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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 14:31



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 07:41

From the beginning of the development to GDP per capita reached 10,548 U.S. dollars in 1996, which has been 121 times over, after the creation of the "Jianghan miracle", the international position of the Korean economy has been improving rapidly and the momentum of development is still very strong.
Foreign trade as a major engine of economic development is also expansion rapidly in exports, the export structure has been optimized at the same time, in and on China's trade surplus for many years also. With the improvement of the economic strength of South Korea, South Korea's largest multinational corporations in the world's direct investment is also increasing in the size. South Korea officially joined the ranks of developed countries in 2006.
Since ancient times, China and South Korea have kept close contact and the cultural traditions are very similar. In view of China and South Korea is similar to the recent history and have a similar geographical location, the Korean experience of economic and trade development has a certain degree of inspiration to China.
This article will focus on including comparison of South Korea and China in the import and export commodity structure, the international competitiveness of enterprises in both countries, the two countries' attitude towards the culture in promoting economic development and so on five aspects , thas point out the inspiration of South Korean model of economic development to China as well as how to draw and absorb South Korea's experience in economic development for China.

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