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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 15:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 06:16






在入门阶段,比如会计入门或考会计证的时候,初中数学就够了。到助理会计师阶段,数学水平最好有高中水平。 到会计师和注册会计师阶段,最好懂得高等数学的知识,比如概率统计、微积分的内部,部分知识点长用的。






Government of Australia(澳大利亚政体)
The Commonwealth of Australia is a constitutional monarchy, a federation and a parliamentary democracy. The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 as a result of an agreement beeen what were previously six self-governing British colonies. The terms of this agreement are embodied in the Australian Constitution, which was drawn up at a Constitutional Convention and ratified by the people of the colonies at referendums. The structure of the Australian Government may be examined in light of o distinct concepts, namely: Federali *** and the Separation of Powers into legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government. Separation of powers is implied from the structure of the Constitution which breaks down the branches of government into separate chapters.
The Australian Constitution creates a federal legislature, the Parliament of the Commonwealth (Section 1). The bicameral parliament consists of the Queen and o houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives (Section 1). Section 51 of the Constitution provides for the Commonwealth Government's legislative powers and allocates certain powers and responsibilities (known as "heads of power") to the Commonwealth government. All remaining responsibilities are retained by the six colonies, which under the Constitution became States of the Commonwealth of Australia. Further, each state has its own constitution so that Australia has seven sovereign Parliaments, none of which can encroach on the functions of any other. The High Court of Australia arbitrates on any disputes which arise beeen the Commonwealth and the States, or among the States, concerning their respective functions.
The Commonwealth Parliament can propose changes to the Constitution. To bee effective, the proposals must be put to a referendum of all Australians of voting age, and must receive a "double majority":
a majority of all votes, and
a majority of votes in a majority of States.
The Commonwealth Constitution also provides that the States can agree to refer any of their powers to the Commonwealth if they choose. This may be achieved by way of an amendment to the Constitution via referendum (a vote on whether the proposed transfer of power from the States to the Commonwealth, or vice versa, should be implemented). More monly powers may be transferred by passing other acts of legislation which authorise the transfer and such acts require the legislative agreement of all the state governments involved. This "transfer" legislation may have a "sunset clause", a legislative provision that nullifies the transfer of power after a specified period, at which point the original division of power is restored.
In addition, Australia has several territories, three of which are self-governing: the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island. The legislatures of these territories exercise powers delegated to them by the Commonwealth, and the Commonwealth Parliament retains the power to override territorial legislation and to transfer powers to or from the territories. While Australian citizens living in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory are represented in the Commonwealth Parliament, Norfolk Islanders are not represented federally.
Australia's other territories that are regularly inhabited (Jervis Bay, Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands) are not self-governing. Instead, these territories are largely governed by federal law, with Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands also having local governments.
The federal nature of the Commonwealth and the structure of the Parliament of Australia was the subject of protracted negotiations among the colonies during the drafting of the Constitution. The House of Representatives is elected on a basis which reflects the differing populations of the States. Thus New South Wales has 50 members of the House while Ta *** ania has five. But the Australian Senate is elected on a basis of equality among the States: all States elect 12 Senators, regardless of population. This was intended to prevent the Parliament being dominated by the interests of the o most populous States, New South Wales and Victoria, as the Senators of the *** aller States could form a majority and amend or even reject bills originating in the House of Representatives.
The third level of government after the Commonwealth and the States is local government, in the form of shire, town or city councils. These bodies administer the provision of services such as local roads, sanitation, libraries, dog registration etc. Councils are posed of elected representatives, usually serving on a part time basis.


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With an area of eight million square kilometres, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The population stands at just enty million, of whom some 85% live in urban areas, mainly along the coast. Much of Australia is arid and flat. One-third of the country is desert and another third is steppe or semi-desert.
Australia's main exports are fossil fuels, minerals, metals, cotton, wool, wine and beef, and its most important trading partners are Japan, China and the US.



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