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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 21:40



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 05:29

第一首.bird York :In The Deep 演唱:Bird York

thought you had

all the answers

to rest your heart upon.

but something happens

don't see it coming, now

you can't stop yourself.

now you're out there swimming

in the deep.

in the deep.

Life keeps tumbling your heart in circles

till you... let go

till you shed your pride and you climb to heaven

and you throw yourself off.

now you're out there spinning

in the deep.

in the deep.

in the deep.

in the deep.

and now you're out there spinning

and now you're out there spinning

in the deep.

in the deep.

in the deep.

in the deep.

If you want everything, let everything go

2.另外一首Maybe Tomorrow -sterophnics

I've been down and I'm wondering why
These little black clouds keep walking around with me, with me
Waste time and I'd rather be high
Think I'll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile but be free, be all free
So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home

I look around at a beautifiul life
I been the upper side of down
been the inside of out but we breathe, we breathe

I wanna a breeze in an open mind
I wanna swim in the ocean
wanna take my time for me, all free

So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 05:27

第一首.bird York :In The Deep
演唱:Bird York

第二首。Maybe Tomorrow

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 05:24



作词 华子 作曲 徐之彤 歌手 邹芮
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