发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 04:33
热心网友 时间:2024-10-09 08:45
make to do和make do的区别
make to do和make do都是动词短语,但两者含义有所不同。
make to do [meɪk tuː duː], make do [meɪk duː]
make to do通常用于形容不必要地通过着眼于细节等方式变得复杂或麻烦。而make do则表示在缺乏所需的工具、物资或条件的情况下办事。
make to do适用于描述在本质上简单的任务,以及因刻意追求完美或过度思考而变得复杂或困难的任务。make do则强调通过现有条件或使用可行的替代品来达成目标。
make to do一般伴随者负面情绪,例如焦虑、沮丧或愤怒。而make do则意味着寻找创造性的解决方案,并可能导致更积极的结果。
make to do:
She always makes even the smallest tasks into a big project, making everyone else stressed out.(她总是把最小的任务变成一个大项目,让其他人感到很有压力。)
He made a big to-do about the smallest mistake in my report.(他就我的报告中最小的错误搞得很大一件事情。)
I think you're making this into more of a to-do than it needs to be.(我认为你把这件事看得比它需要得复杂了。)
make do:
We didn't have enough chairs for everyone, so we just had to make do with what we had.(我们没有足够的椅子供每个人使用,所以只能利用我们已有的来凑合一下。)
I forgot to bring my laptop charger, but I'll have to make do with finding an outlet somewhere.(我忘了带我的笔记本电脑充电器,但我只能在某个地方找到一个插座来应急。)
Their budget was tight, so they had to make do with the materials they could afford.(他们的预算很紧,所以只能利用能够承受的材料来办事。)
热心网友 时间:2024-10-09 08:44
make to do和make do的区别
make to do和make do都是动词短语,但两者含义有所不同。
make to do [meɪk tuː duː], make do [meɪk duː]
make to do通常用于形容不必要地通过着眼于细节等方式变得复杂或麻烦。而make do则表示在缺乏所需的工具、物资或条件的情况下办事。
make to do适用于描述在本质上简单的任务,以及因刻意追求完美或过度思考而变得复杂或困难的任务。make do则强调通过现有条件或使用可行的替代品来达成目标。
make to do一般伴随者负面情绪,例如焦虑、沮丧或愤怒。而make do则意味着寻找创造性的解决方案,并可能导致更积极的结果。
make to do:
She always makes even the smallest tasks into a big project, making everyone else stressed out.(她总是把最小的任务变成一个大项目,让其他人感到很有压力。)
He made a big to-do about the smallest mistake in my report.(他就我的报告中最小的错误搞得很大一件事情。)
I think you're making this into more of a to-do than it needs to be.(我认为你把这件事看得比它需要得复杂了。)
make do:
We didn't have enough chairs for everyone, so we just had to make do with what we had.(我们没有足够的椅子供每个人使用,所以只能利用我们已有的来凑合一下。)
I forgot to bring my laptop charger, but I'll have to make do with finding an outlet somewhere.(我忘了带我的笔记本电脑充电器,但我只能在某个地方找到一个插座来应急。)
Their budget was tight, so they had to make do with the materials they could afford.(他们的预算很紧,所以只能利用能够承受的材料来办事。)