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i'm coming的拼音谐音歌词(RAIN) ?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 13:03



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 09:12

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

let me tell you the story,

standing tall, everybody get ready tonight.

me and my boys on a ride,

feeling so right.

you know how we do it,

must get it together tonight with my moves real tight.

make sure i come with the best of the best of the best,

come on.

*馆汗(x 2)

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

rain,技拌利牢家府肺seoul city, beijing to tokyo (ho!)

技惑捞促颊阑困肺厚,厚,厚肺付弗顶俊采乔绊say ho!(ho!) it's vipsupreme t, and 厚, and jyp

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 09:12

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

let me tell you the story,

standing tall, everybody get ready tonight.

me and my boys on a ride,

feeling so right.

you know how we do it,

must get it together tonight with my moves real tight.

make sure i come with the best of the best of the best,

come on.

*馆汗(x 2)

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

rain,技拌利牢家府肺seoul city, beijing to tokyo (ho!)

技惑捞促颊阑困肺厚,厚,厚肺付弗顶俊采乔绊say ho!(ho!) it's vipsupreme t, and 厚, and jyp

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 09:12

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

let me tell you the story,

standing tall, everybody get ready tonight.

me and my boys on a ride,

feeling so right.

you know how we do it,

must get it together tonight with my moves real tight.

make sure i come with the best of the best of the best,

come on.

*馆汗(x 2)

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

rain,技拌利牢家府肺seoul city, beijing to tokyo (ho!)

技惑捞促颊阑困肺厚,厚,厚肺付弗顶俊采乔绊say ho!(ho!) it's vipsupreme t, and 厚, and jyp

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 09:12

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

let me tell you the story,

standing tall, everybody get ready tonight.

me and my boys on a ride,

feeling so right.

you know how we do it,

must get it together tonight with my moves real tight.

make sure i come with the best of the best of the best,

come on.

*馆汗(x 2)

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

rain,技拌利牢家府肺seoul city, beijing to tokyo (ho!)

技惑捞促颊阑困肺厚,厚,厚肺付弗顶俊采乔绊say ho!(ho!) it's vipsupreme t, and 厚, and jyp

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 09:12

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

let me tell you the story,

standing tall, everybody get ready tonight.

me and my boys on a ride,

feeling so right.

you know how we do it,

must get it together tonight with my moves real tight.

make sure i come with the best of the best of the best,

come on.

*馆汗(x 2)

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

rain,技拌利牢家府肺seoul city, beijing to tokyo (ho!)

技惑捞促颊阑困肺厚,厚,厚肺付弗顶俊采乔绊say ho!(ho!) it's vipsupreme t, and 厚, and jyp

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 09:13

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

let me tell you the story,

standing tall, everybody get ready tonight.

me and my boys on a ride,

feeling so right.

you know how we do it,

must get it together tonight with my moves real tight.

make sure i come with the best of the best of the best,

come on.

*馆汗(x 2)

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.

rain,技拌利牢家府肺seoul city, beijing to tokyo (ho!)

技惑捞促颊阑困肺厚,厚,厚肺付弗顶俊采乔绊say ho!(ho!) it's vipsupreme t, and 厚, and jyp

i'm coming down through the roof top,

rain, it won't stop.
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