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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 11:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 23:07

Kind kind-hearted Superman

By Chen Qingyi

Nanshan Experimental School Unicorn Division 3 (2) Class

In people's minds, Superman has always been brave, but I think that Superman is also good. If the opportunity I have to do a good Superman.

I first flew to the poor villages, and bring them warmth, light and food. And then teach them some knowledge and skills in agriculture, so that they can better survive.

I then flew to the hospital, invited experts to the sick, so that the patient will soon recover, their families would also rece a lot of pain.

Then, I'm going to those who stray pets beside them comfort in a warm room, so that they have a lot of food, a place to settle down and no longer enre the cold and hunger.

I think that Superman is not just powerful, but very loving, very kind, very happy, in order to make people happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 23:08

Detailed kind-hearted Superman
Author: Chen Qingyi
Nanshan Experimental School Unicorn Division 3 (2) Class
In people's minds, Superman has always been brave, but I think that Superman is also good. If there is an opportunity I will certainly do a good Superman.
I first flew to the poor villages, and bring them warmth, light and food. And then teach them some knowledge and skills in agriculture, so that they can better survive.
I then flew to the hospital, invited experts to the sick, so that the patient will soon recover, their families would also rece a lot of pain.
Then, I'm going to those who stray pets beside them comfort in a warm room, so that they have a lot of food, a place to settle down and no longer enre the cold and hunger.
I think that Superman is not just powerful, but very loving, very kind, very happy, in order to make people happy.
Detailed description of the problem and help respondents provide accurate answers to

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 23:08

In people's mind, exceeds others in ability has been brave, but I thought that exceeds others in ability is also good. If has the opportunity I certainly to be a time good superhuman. I fly poor person's village first, takes away warm, the light to them and food. Teaches their some knowledge and the agricultural skill again, enables them to be possible to survive well. Then, I fly in again the hospital, invites the expert to see a doctor to the patient, such patient very will quickly recover the health, their family member will also rece many pain. Then, I must go to these to roam about pet's one's side, comforts them in the warm room, lets them have many foods, has the place to settle down, no longer enre cold and hunger. I thought that the superhuman continues is the strength is formidable, but has the compassion very much, is very good, is very joyful, can let the people be happy.
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