发布时间:2022-05-07 03:35
时间:2023-10-13 23:31
1 蝙蝠种类繁多,全世界约有900种。蝙蝠的种类数目在哺乳动物中居第二位,仅次于啮齿类动物。
2 猪鼻小蝙蝠翼距只有14厘米,身体如小狗般大的狐蝠翼距宽达2米。
3 有些蝙蝠的飞行速度可达50千米每小时以上。
4 蝙蝠能在1秒钟内捕捉和分辨250组回音。(注:音波往返一次算一组。)
5 从秋天开始,蝙蝠就在下腹部聚积了一层脂肪,至冬眠前体重变为夏天时的1.5倍以上。
6 有的蝙蝠会钓鱼,墨西哥兔唇蝠一个晚上能捕获30多条小鱼。
7 一只20克重的食虫性蝙蝠一年能吃掉1.8--3.6千克昆虫。
1 the bat sort is various, the world has about 900 species. Bat species number in mammals second, second only to rodents.
2 pig nose small bat wing distance only 14 cm, the body such as the puppy, big flying fox wing distance up to 2 meters wide.
3 some bats flying speed can reach more than fifty kilometers per hour.
4 the bats in 1 seconds capture and resolution 250 groups of echo. (note: sonic round a group).
5 begins from the autumn, bat is next abdominal accumulation in a layer of fat, to hibernate weight before a summer of 1.5 times or more.
6 some bat will fishing, Mexico cleft lip bat a night can capture more than 30 small fish.
7 a and gram weight of carnivorous bats can eat a year of 1.8-3.6 kg insects。