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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 16:22



热心网友 时间:2024-10-09 12:31

1. Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival usually celebrated on or around April 4th or 5th each year. It evolved from the ancient Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival.
2. The story behind Tomb-sweeping Day dates back to the Spring and Autumn period of the Jin state, over 2000 years ago. Prince Chong Er, later known as King Hui of Jin, was forced to flee after being framed by jealous courtiers.
3. During his flight, Chong Er and his loyal ministers, including Jie Zitui, were lost in the mountains and short of food. Jie Zitui saved Chong Er's life by secretly cutting flesh from his own thigh to make broth.
4. When Chong Er learned of this selfless act, he was deeply moved. After becoming king, he wanted to reward Jie Zitui but was refused. Jie Zitui later died in a forest fire, and the king, mourning his friend, decreed that no fire should be lit on the day of his death, giving rise to the Cold Food Festival.
5. Over time, the Cold Food Festival merged with the Qingming Festival, where people now honor their ancestors by tomb-sweeping and remember the martyrs. In English, this day is called "Tomb-sweeping Day."
6. On Qingming Festival, Chinese people通常扫墓 and fly kites. The custom of cutting willow branches and hanging them over gates is also associated with Jie Zitui's death at the foot of a willow tree.
7. Besides tomb-sweeping and kite-flying, some people also light lanterns on their kites at night to guide them and add a magical touch to the festival.
8. Qingming Festival is not unique to China; similar festivals are celebrated in other countries, such as Mexico's Day of the Dead, where ancestors' spirits are believed to return home, and South Korea, where cold food is consumed and trees are planted.
9. Syria, the United States, Tunisia, and other countries also have comparable holidays where people remember their ancestors and fallen heroes on this special day.
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