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Brian Seo -before the day vanish 这首歌的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 08:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-08 11:14

Brian Seo - Before The Day Vanish

Verse 1:
It’s never cool when you’ve been pushed down, when you know that you’re number one (It’s gotta grip that’s so strong, got you wondering what went wrong) And my worth is not determined by somebody. You’re second to none don’t you forget. My wings will guide you, I’ll go out of my way. I’ll travel at the speed of light just to take you away, so don’t be afraid, so…

Before the day vanishes into the air, I want you to know (I’m praying for you) you’re fighting a battle that you don’t understand, but you never surrender. Falling from grace, I’ll catch you you’ll be safe, into my arms of embrace (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through) Gotta find that special place where you gonna replenish your strength (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through)

Verse 2:
Without passion without dreams, there’s no air to breathe. (It’s suffocating, devastating) Who the am I talking to, I think I’m talking to me. You’re second to none don’t you forget, my wings will guide you I’ll go out of my way. And you’re not alone, gonna take you away so don’t be afraid, so…

Before the day vanishes into the air, I want you to know (I’m praying for you) you’re fighting a battle that you don’t understand, but you never surrender. Falling from grace, I’ll catch you you’ll be safe, into my arms of embrace (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through) Gotta find that special place where you gonna replenish your strength (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through)

And I know that there’s pain that’s been pierced through my heart, but there’s many reasons to move on. There’s so many people that’s counting on me and I know that God’s watching me. And for being optimistic and listening to my music, how do I repay you. Wanna share you my hear
heart, that reaches so far, all you gotta do is open yours.

Before the day vanishes into the air, I want you to know (I’m praying for you) you’re fighting a battle that you don’t understand, but you never surrender. Falling from grace, I’ll catch you you’ll be safe into my arms of embrace (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through) Gotta find that special place where you gonna replenish your strength (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through)

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