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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 14:32



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 18:33

Self-cultivation led to one’s temperament. There are a lot of skillful dancers around, while few of them shows the “feeling” which is emphasized by all. Many people act in routine when dancing. Their steps may be accurate; their actions may be standard, but their dance is not attractive at all. This, on the one hand, is because their lack of feeling in music. On the other hand, their self-cultivation is insufficient. In high level, you don’t dance dance but yourself. Therefore, when all know the music, the most cultivated person dances the best. The so-called self-cultivation or quality is not for show, but is gained through extensive study an practical experience. Other things are alike. If you want to compose sophisticated music, you must be sophisticated in yourself; if you want to present grand and lively performance, you must be generous and bold in life; if you want to be a philanthropist, you must be truly kindhearted and thankful. Those of talent, inspiration and nice qualities will not generate in a short time, but only exude from inside. Only if one is excellent in himself, will he be excellent in his art achievement. Thus never expect to be a musician with a little gift in music. You must also study hard to improve yourself.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 18:33

Personal accomplishment decided the qualities of a person. We is good dancers around skills, but few people jump out of common stressed the "feeling". A lot of people dancing is as routine as do action, may he beat on is accurate, the action is in place, but no charm, on the one hand, because he lacks a sense of music on, on the other hand is training no home. Danced high level after the jump not dance, but you. So in all music is, the more thoughtful people will dance deduce better. The so-called culture, quality, not contrived to come out of, but through a wide range of learning, realize the life of Cyprus. Other aspects of also is such. While composing music wants to write a connotation, you must become a connotation; Show want to show atmosphere, blow out, you must be in the life of a large, bold and unconstrained visionary; You want to be a philanthropist, that you must be really in life is love, considerate in return. Talent, inspiration, good quality is not under the feeling be nasty force to come out of, but by inside and outside send out naturally. A person only good enough, his art to excellent, so don't expect you to have a little music talent can be musician, you also learn to study hard to improve ourselves.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 18:35

Personal accomplishment decided the qualities of a person. We is good dancers around skills, but few people jump out of common stressed the "feeling". A lot of people dancing is as routine as do action, may he beat on is accurate, the action is in place, but no charm, on the one hand, because he lacks a sense of music on, on the other hand is training no home. Danced high level after the jump not dance, but you. So in all music is, the more thoughtful people will dance deduce better. The so-called culture, quality, not contrived to come out of, but through a wide range of learning, realize the life of Cyprus. Other aspects of also is such. While composing music wants to write a connotation, you ?
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