发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 15:00
热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 03:09
assumption: all assumption questions can be classified into two types :the 1st one is the defending (也就是你说的排除他因)and the second one is filling the gap(就是你说的桥梁法). defending,故名思意,就是排除其他有可能削弱结果的可能性. eg.小明经常吃糖,小明牙疼,结论是:经常吃糖会导致牙疼. assumption 如果是 defending就是:没有其他的原因会导致牙疼, 可能的答案:1、小明也爱喝汽水,但是汽水不会导致牙疼. 2、小明爱吃苹果,苹果不会导致牙疼. . 2) filling the gap 就注意看题目里出现的新信息 eg,all Chinese young men have to buy a new house in order to get married.XiaoMing,have to buy a new house to get married.很明显,这里的GAP就是:Xiao Ming is a Chinese young man. hope it help you. 借鉴了别人的,哈哈