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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 03:11



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 09:11

The pace of the information age more and more quickly, more and more time on the Internet. I, a small "net insect", feel the network and colorful, network is rich, the magic of the network, the network of the helpless.
I'm a great reader, I know "books are the ladder of the progress of mankind". At ordinary times, are my mother bought me a book, because I especially like to read a book, two to three days head bothering my mother to buy me. For a long time, the mother can't stand, say what money too much, and so on, so I'm very disappointed. Later, I get to the Internet browsing by chance to reading nets, and it makes me eye-opener. From then on, I would often visit reading nets, what the han dynasty was 24 emperor ", "the easy meridian passage product three kingdoms", "by the world dream", "the beastmaster's", "XianChu" etc, it is my favorite. In the book, I appreciated the authors depict a fantastic state and beautiful language; Appreciate the hero the broad mind and the heroic spirit; Learned to be honest and trustworthy of reason. I often travel among them, really make people relaxed and happy, unbounded. Hey hey, that, but for mother saving a lot of money, to avoid the many make people upset's nagging!
I often go to the composition nets "tourist", so, enjoy later became my another kind of a enjoy. Sometimes, I also put my work to online, occasionally and make the payment? It makes me to enhance the interest in writing, improve the level of writing.
Sometimes, we often want to study data access. I used to go to the main way is in the encyclopedia search, it takes a lot of time and energy. Now, I can easily through the network to complete these things, that I never leave home to find the desired information.
After enter junior high school, more esoteric knowledge, learning is also suddenly become tense up. In order to be able to make my good grades, I have put my math teacher add for "my good friend", the evening writing assignments will not meet the problem, can in time to ask the teacher for advice. It's amazing network, too rich, too wonderful.
I also have a special liking to network game. I like to play games are the dream west ", "fantastic country", "adventure island", "QQ hall", "do", "the datang", and so on. Love is the nature of the play we children, when I play a lot of fun. This summer, the most that I cannot forget it. Chat, games, PK, swept me off my feet to eat and rest, writing assignments, original vision is bad I decline more severe. Mother see me like that, an ultimatum, told me never to touch the computer. Every day I itch in heart, often think of the best game scenes, like the heart scratching claw. Later, I study every day new concept English, also help my mother do some housework, such as washing the dishes, sweep floor, etc. The mother didn't allow me to play on a hour every day. Every time, when I play of interest is strong, mother will say: "time is up!" I had to be reluctant to leave my beloved computer. Alas, the computer is really let me but ah.
Now, there are many teenagers addicted to the network game in cannot extricate oneself, seriously affected their study and life. Some in the net cafe owner to see money forget "virtue", temptation teenagers patronage illegal websites, so that their souls were contaminated, so, I urge our teenagers, want to be safe, health, civilization to get to the Internet, make the network become us to live helper, study the teacher, a bridge of friendship!

An old saying goes: "the show just don't go out, all understand world." This in the past may be just myth or exaggerating it, but now is no longer what magic things....... This can be due to a magical thing. That is the network. Is the network, changed our life, let us live colorful; Is the network, changed our life, let us live fun; Is the network, changed our life, let us live in a fast and convenient world......

Network game

The network game, believe that everybody is not new, it's also and we these students inseparable? Whenever I do homework at home feel tired when, can't help to open a computer, pick up the mouse, click on the network game, I started the interesting life. Playing online games can be interesting, there, can let me feel the joy of childhood; There, can let me enjoy the joy of victory; There...... Look, the network, it changed my life, let my life more colorful.

Network technology

Now already is the 21 st century, in large and medium cities almost every family has a fondle admiringly of computer, and network technology is also in the transfer between us. You listen to: "wow, online shopping, was amazing, never leave home, can buy the journey far things." "I have to try, I want in online fax." "The latest news, latest news, the stock market has now up 50%!" ...... These are the result of the development of Internet technology. Look, is network changed our life, it makes me live in a world of quick and convenient.

Network to my purpose

I have now is a junior high school student, natural in learning aspect have to rely on this network good helper. Every time the teacher asked us to find some extracurricular knowledge, I as long as easily using the computer to surf the net to get information quickly, material to find out. So quick ways of learning, we can improve the study result, and still can improve our ability to use a computer. Look, is network changed my life. It makes me live in a world of quick and convenient.

Network changed my life, it makes my life more colorful, let my life more fun, makes we live in a world of quick and convenient.

The pace of the information age more and more quickly, more and more time on the Internet. I, a small "net insect", feel the network and colorful, network is rich, the magic of the network, the network of the helpless.I'm a great reader, I know "books are the ladder ...


我们是幸福的,我们是幸运的,我们赶上了一个科技高速发展的时代,一个充满高科技的时代,这不光光是我们的祖先在进化时选择了发展,选择了进步,也包括了所有人的不懈努力,刻苦钻研,我们今天的日子时有多少辛勤的科学家们用智慧甚至生命换来的。 因为法拉第,我们生活的周围才充满了各种各样的电器;因为达尔文、因为孟德尔...






从自然到社会,从物质到精神,从生活到艺术,无不有美的东西存在,在这样众多的美的东西中,你要把美说成是一种东西,当然不可能。同一种东西,可以是美的,也可以是不美的;不同的东西,它们却可以都是美的;甚至相互矛盾的东西,也可以都是美的。 第四,美不是事物的某一种物质属性,本来不是一种“东西”,我们又怎么...


我想写一篇作文,题目叫又见他( )的微笑。大家帮帮忙啊! ---微笑,对体力并没有消耗什么,对心灵却得到很多很多。 ---微笑,对自己并没有减少什么,对别人却拥有很多很多。 ---微笑,对生活并不会损失什么,对生命却增添很多很多。 ---每个人都有自己的苦衷,有些是可以向人倾述的,有些是只能自己默默承受的...


进入高中以后,往往有不少同学不能适应数学学习,进而影响到学习的积极性,甚至成绩一落千丈。出现这样的情况,原因很多。但主要是由于同学们不了解高中数学教学内容特点与自身学习方法有问题等因素所造成的。在此结合高中数学教学内容的特点和我的高中教学经研,谈一谈高中数学学习方法,供同学参考。 一:先注意以下三点...



高分求助 学习优异的同学、老师请进。帮我出出主意,求你们了

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