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求以下一段话的英文翻译~ 有点长~ 希望能够解答~ 谢谢~~

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 08:20



热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 17:23

Whenever I'm free time, will open a computer see animation. Because watch anime for me is a very good thing. Watch anime to learn a foreign language, not only to practice listening, more important is his heart also can have deep feelings.
Some anime (such as sponge baby) makes me think of his own childhood, some such as the claymore has taught me to play up to face the difficulties and frustrations. And some looked after will let me feel life beautiful,. Whenever see the moving scene, will unconsciously be moved, as if you were. I hope I can continue this feeling, and keep moving forward.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 17:29

When I was free I would open my computer to watch animation, which was a very happy thing for me and improved my foreign language and listening skill. most importantly, i was touched deep in my mind.
求以下一段话的英文翻译~ 有点长~ 希望能够解答~ 谢谢~~

Whenever I'm free time, will open a computer see animation. Because watch anime for me is a very good thing. Watch anime to learn a foreign language, not only to practice listening, more important is his heart also can have deep feelings.Some anime (such as sponge baby) ...


嗨!大家好,我是来自中国的KAIT,我是一个性格开朗和幽默的女孩,我希望在这里可以认识很多朋友,我欢迎来自世界各地的朋友们,无论你的性别、年龄和国籍,同时也欢迎在中国的朋友们,但是,与我交流,请讲英语,哈哈,谢谢各位!hi,everybody!I am KAIT and come from china, I am a outgoing and hu...


口语点的说法:I've already sent you a friend invite on QQ, please go check.在这里用 confirm 太正式了。呵呵,又碰见你了。自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助。


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In order to search for your footprint,I have travelled all over the world.but on the way to our hometown,I can't find the pure love forever.望采纳。


as you may know it isn't an easy job to get a ticket during the holiday, so I need to ask for more holidays.Thank you for your understanding and please kindly approve it.Best regards,xxx 不是照你的原话翻的,但是意思都到了,而且比较简洁地道。供参考。PLS的please缩写。


if the industrialized countries strengthen their promises of lessening the emission and simultaneously connect to the breakthrough in the aspects of financial and technological cooperation, motivating the developing countries to the limitation of emission either. It is much related to what Ban...

请帮我把以下一段话翻译成英文,要给外国老师看的, 请细心点,谢谢 ~~

and my tutor is Professor L.After a theory study for halp a year,I joined "... lab" for studying and scientific researching.In two years future,I will finish my study by the guidance of Professor L, school brothers and sisters.如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 ...


我想不管怎么样,应该告诉我。""It has been long time that I haven't heard from you. Last time you promised to send me some photos, but you didn't. Have you really been busy recently? I think you should tell me about it no matter what."【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!


I'm sorry, but I didn't catch you tightly.You don't know why I leave you,I insist that cannot say indulge you cry.Your tears as the downpour,Broken ground, in my mind is clear.You don't know why I am malicious,Circle over your invisible altitude.Much is, you don't ...

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