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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 07:09



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 13:49

bro'sis-i believe(恋爱达人英文版)

You know
some people just don't know what I'm talking about
But I know you understand
’cause I know you believe.

Baby, I believe
that you were meant for me
and if there's somebody
then baby, I believe
that somebody is you
and everything you do
’cause baby, I believe
I believe in you.

I walk home alone
waitin' by the telephone
all my girlfriends say
give it up, baby, give it up.

I know that you can see
this is how it's meant to be
you're my frequency
’cause baby, I believe.

Baby, I believe
that you were meant for me
and if there's somebody
then baby, I believe
that somebody is you
and everything you do
’cause baby, I believe
I believe in you.

No, they don't unterstand
dreaming of a masterplan
I know that you can't
give it up, baby, give it you.

And it's a simple rule
you don't wanna play it cool
leave me like a fool
’cause I belive in you.

Baby, I believe
that you were meant for me
and if there's somebody
then baby, I believe
that somebody is you
and everything you do
’cause baby, I believe
I believe in you.

One love is the prophecy
I believe
that all came to the past when you came to me
to set me free.
Sure is one and one is two
I believe in you
it’s what I do
’cause I believe in you.

And it seems so real.
I was dreaming did you come to me.
Hold me closer for eternity.
I believe.

Baby, I believe
that you were meant for me
and if there's somebody
then baby, I believe
that somebody is you
and everything you do
’cause baby, I believe
I believe in you.

I walk through the world
and I see it all.
I never looked down, in cases of the fall,
I’m off the wall
and I still believe – yeah.

and somebody is you
and everything you do
cause baby, I believe
I believe in you.

yes I do!
yes I do!
I believe in you

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 13:50

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