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英语短文 Talking about learning Englishi

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 06:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 02:36

I speak English because,I like English ,I think English is a good language ,it's helpful. But ,l feel learn English is
very difficult and interseting.
l speak English in class ,l write English everyday ,try not
to translate every word when you read newspaper and watch
English film in english .you should speak English word . you shouldn't forget grammar.
Every day speak English twice . Try to remember eight or ten
words a day .write them on pieces of paper and placethem in your

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 02:37

1. I'm learning English because I think it's helpful. As you know, English is widely used throughout the world, which is spoken by 400 million people around the world. Although the number of English speaker is smaller than Chinese, Chinese is less prevalent than Enlish because it's most used by Chinese.

2. I learn English by using it. To tell you the truth, I'm working in a international company, so I read, speak, write English everyday. As well, I like Hollywood movies and browsing some USA websites. In short, you don't need to "learn" English, instead, you should use it ring your work and amusement. What you should do is just to make English useful all the time.

3. I have suggestions for you:
a. you should forget grammar. Don't place your emphasis on grammar in your English study. Instead, you should read/speak/hear/write more. As long as you can persevere, you can do well in English and eventually grammar issues are solved unintentionally.
b. Don't memeber words indivially. What you should do is to learn words ring the course of you using it. You should like to look up a dictionary when there's something not sure. What's more, it's better that the dictionary you refer to is a Enlish-English one, and thus you can apprehend the word completely.
c. It's your own business to find chance to pratice your English. For example, you can find some English corner or pen friends to communicate in English as well as make friends.
d. Cultivate your interest of English by combining entertainment with the learning. As you know, if you're interested in it, you can never hold on for a long time, plus a bad effect.For instance, if you like sports, you can read sport news everyday; if you like movies,you can see Hollywood films everyday, etc..

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 02:37

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