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急求英语作文写我的老师、同学!!! 急急急急急

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 02:59



热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 04:04

Our English Teacher
Look!A foreign girl is playing games with some Chinese students. Do you know who she is? Yes! she is our English teacher--shelley Green.
Miss Green, from Canada,is 25 yearsoid. she is very kind to us and her lesson is very interesting In ciass, she often piays games with us. she is not oniy our teacher but aiso our friend.
We all love her, so we're interested English now.
Bob is my classmate. He likes football very much.last night, he went to bed too late because he watches football game. This morning ,he was late for shool and failed his test.He is unhappy.As his best friend.i said" i feel sorry to hear the news,but I will help you to correct the mistakes." we decide to study hard and get more progress.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 04:08

Our English Teacher
Look!A foreign girl is playing games with some Chinese students. Do you know who she is? Yes! she is our English teacher--shelley Green.
Miss Green, from Canada,is 25 yearsoid. she is very kind to us and her lesson is very interesting In ciass, she often piays games with us. she is not oniy our teacher but aiso our friend.
We all love her, so we're interested English now.
Bob is my classmate. He likes football very much.last night, he went to bed too late because he watches football game. This morning ,he was late for shool and failed his test.He is unhappy.As his best friend.i said" i feel sorry to hear the news,but I will help you to correct the mistakes." we decide to study hard and get more progress.
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