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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 07:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:08

  Last week my father was on business.so only my mother and Iwere at home.Unluckily, my mother was ill. I had to look after my mother by myself.Because my mother needed to have a rest , I should learn to do the housework. I decided to do a big lunch for mothe. So I cleanedthe vagetables that I bought from the maket.,and preparedto lunch. When I finished the meal ,I let my mother taste it.To my happiness, she said the meal tasted good.
  Although I was tired that day, I was proud to take care of my mother.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:08

  Yesterday I went back home from school and found my mother didn't feel well.She told me that she caught cold last night.I want to call my father,but my mother told me that my father went to a far place for business this afternoon.I decided to take care of mother myself.
I first gave my mother some warm water to drink,and then asked her stay in bed.I done the dinner and clean the room.I didn't go to bed until my mother fell asleep.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:08

  Last week my father was on business.so only my mother and Iwere at home.Unluckily, my mother was ill. I had to look after my mother by myself.Because my mother needed to have a rest , I should learn to do the housework. I decided to do a big lunch for mothe. So I cleanedthe vagetables that I bought from the maket.,and preparedto lunch. When I finished the meal ,I let my mother taste it.To my happiness, she said the meal tasted good.
  Although I was tired that day, I was proud to take care of my mother.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 01:08

  Yesterday I went back home from school and found my mother didn't feel well.She told me that she caught cold last night.I want to call my father,but my mother told me that my father went to a far place for business this afternoon.I decided to take care of mother myself.
I first gave my mother some warm water to drink,and then asked her stay in bed.I done the dinner and clean the room.I didn't go to bed until my mother fell asleep.

虽然那天我很累,但我还是很自豪地照顾我的母亲。 我照顾生病的妈妈 作文、 人们都说母爱是仁慈的,而我认为母亲的爱就像一团燃烧的火。 记得有一次:妈妈正在做家务,而我却舒服的躺在沙发上看电视,我看着妈妈满头大汗的样子心里难过极了,突然,妈妈倒在了地上,我急忙报过去问:“妈妈,你怎么了?”“妈妈说:没什么?


my mother was ill. I had to look after my mother by myself.Because my mother needed to have a rest , I should learn to do the housework. I decided to do a big lunch for mothe. So I cleanedthe vagetables that I bought from the maket.,and...

上周末,你妈妈生病了,所以你帮妈妈干家务。请根据方框的内容,详细记 ...

Last weekend, my mother fell ill. She had a headache, had a sore throat and coughed a lot. She went to a doctor. The doctor told my mother to take medicine three times a day. He also advised my mother to drink hot water with honey and have a good rest. Because my mot...

tom的妈妈生病了 他需要在家照顾妈妈一天tom要向老师请假 他应该怎么写...

I am writing this note to ask for a day off on July 1 4,because I have to take good care of my sick mother. I would appreciate it if I acquire your permission.Yours sincerely,Tom


Last Monday, my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip. He would be away for three days. Just the next morning I found my mother wasn’t feeling well. She had a cold. I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles...

我妈妈生病了,我不得不照顾她。 英语翻译

My mother is ill, and I have to take care of her.

英语作文 我的一次经历 照顾妈妈,买药,做饭

I went back home after school,I found that mother was ill.Then I took care of mother to rest and gone to hospital to buy the medicine.I did some housework such as cooking our meals .When my father came back,he praised me for my doing.



英语作文 条件1下午放学后2爸爸出差妈妈生病卧床3照顾妈妈去医院买药...

When I got home this afternoon, I found my mother was lying in bed sick and my father was away on business. What should I do then?Since Mother was ill, I should take care of her. I first sent her to hospital and bought some medicine.When we got home, I began to cook...


Dear A:I am so excited that you invited me to your birthday party .But it is a pity that my mom is ill and i have to look afther her at home .I feel sorry that i can not qo to your birthday party,i do hope you happy birthday!your sincerenceB July 18th ...

照顾生病的妈妈英语作文 英语作文简述你生病你同学照顾你 写父母照顾生病的我的英语作文 照顾生病的同学英语作文 照顾我生病英语作文 照顾病人的英语作文 如果你生病了英语作文 生病了怎么做的英语作文 有关生病的英语作文
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