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帮忙翻译一下 几句英语!非常感谢!(机器的就免了 谢谢!)

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 19:22



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 06:48

I am sorry to inform you that a 20ft container could not load all the goods. Because it is urgent, we loaded a full 20ft container and made shipment. The rest will be shipped as bulk-cargo. Please kindly inform the customer of this situation. Shipping in a 40ft container would have costed much more, and shipping in a 20ft container and bulk-cargo is more cost-efficient, therefore we chose to handle it in this way.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 06:49

Dear customer,

Greetings from us!

We have already shipped a 20ft container with most of the ordered goods and we will ship the rest in different parcels. We did it this way because the goods exceed the capability of a 20ft container and we would have chosen the 40ft container if it was not too expensive or the time wasn't against us. For a comprehensive concern, we think a 20ft container plus CFS is the most appropriate way to get it done. Therefore, the rest of the goods will be shipped in CFS.

Best regards,


热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 06:49

I'm sorry to inform you that because one 20-container cannot hold all of the goods, and since the time is urgent, we have loaded one 20 ft container and shipped out. The rest goods has to be shipped through bulk cargo. Could you please tell the customer about this situation. (the charge of a 40 ft container is much more expensive than that of a 20 ft container, so we'll ship the rest through bulk cargo.)
Since the 20 ft container + CFS is more cost-efficient, We plan to ship the rest goods via CFS.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 06:50

I regret to tell you that because our goods cannot be put in one 20-cabinet and because the time is too limited, we have had to fill up one 20-cabinet and send it out. The rest of the goods will have to be sent separately. Please tell the customers about it. ( if we change the 20-cabinet into 40-cabinet, the cost will be much higher. So we have decided to send the rest of the goods separately. ) Hope you can understand.
20-foot-cabinet is worth the money. So we have decided to send the rest of the goods
through CFS.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 06:50

I regret to inform you that our goods put together cannot go into 20 loads altogether. So now there are 20 loads filled with some of them on their delivery way, and all the rest will have to go bulk-cargoed. Please tell those concerned. A change of 20 loads to 40 would cost much more, and therefore we chose to make the remaing goods bulk-cargo.
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