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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 01:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 05:13

美国美盛公司(The Mosaic Company,纽约股票交易所: MOS)由两家成功且享有声誉的行业领导者-美国嘉吉公司作物营养部和美国IMC于2004年10月共同组建而成,是世界最大的磷肥生产商和销售商,第二大化肥生产商。财富500强中惟一的一家化肥企业,销售遍布五大球,在17个国家建有工厂。全年化肥产量2700多万吨,其中磷肥1200多万吨。

美盛公司价值愿景: 到2012年美盛将被公认为全球领先的农作物营养公司。
The Mosaic Company
From its phosphate mines in Florida to its soybean fields in China, Mosaic maintains a truly global presence. We have distribution facilities in ten countries, serving customers in over 30 countries around the world. Our key proction areas are highlighted below.
Our potash annual capacity of 10.4 million tonnes is the second largest in the world. We operate mines in Saskatchewan, New Mexico and Michigan. about 45% of our proct is sold to North American customers, and the remainder is exported to other regions of the world.
We are the world's largest procer of finished phosphate procts, with an annual capacity of 10.3 million tonnes--more than the next three largest procers combined. Approximately 46% of our phosphate proct is shipped within North America, and the remainder is exported to other regions of the world.
Our offshore interests form a proction and distribution network in key agricultural markets around the world. This network is a competitive differentiator for Mosaic and includes approximately one million tonnes of storage capacity at 24 facilities worldwide. Our global presence includes operations in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, India, Thailand and China.
History and Timeline
Mosaic is a young company rooted in history and experience. Recognized as innovators in our field the world over, this status owes much to the combined strengths of the crop nutrition business of Cargill, Incorporated and IMC Global Inc., our founding companies. Both companies have been recognized as worldwide leaders in the crop nutrition instry for decades.
IMC Global Inc. dates back almost 100 years to 1909, when entrepreneur Thomas Meadows became involved in the phosphate mining business. In 1940 the company mined 50,000 tonnes of potash from its Carlsbad, New Mexico plant. Moving ahead a few years, IMC Global mined approximately 1.7 million tonnes in the same location in 2003, helping the company earn $2.2 billion in revenues.
A grain backhaul opportunity launched the crop nutrition business of Cargill, Incorporated in the 1960s. Proct was needed to fill empty barges to make a profitable round trip, so Cargill, already a leading agribusiness company, decided to enter the crop nutrition business. From there the division grew to be one of the world's top procers of phosphate and nitrogen fertilizer.
Today, Mosaic is the world's leading procer and marketer of concentrated phosphate and potash. We employ over 7,400 people in ten countries, and participate in every aspect of crop nutrition development.Mosaic Timeline

Mission and Values
No matter where Mosaic operates in the world, our employees adhere to the same company-wide values. This common sense of purpose and responsibility ensures that we approach our work with a shared goal.
Our mission is to help the world grow the food it needs. As the world's largest supplier of phosphate and potash, we consider this mission to be a noble one that carries vast responsibility.
Our values of integrity, excellence, sustainability and connectivity define how we conct our business, how we interact with each other and how we treat our communities and our planet.
Our Role in Feeding the World
We live in an increasingly populous and prosperous world, one in which the accelerating demand for food is a powerful force. Today, the world's population is growing at a rate of about 1.1% per year. That might not sound like much, but it means we need to set the dinner table for an additional 73 million people each year. This population explosion poses a serious challenge to the food procers of the world.
Another factor driving the demand for food is increasing prosperity, particularly in the developing world. As millions of people continue to increase their earning power, a protein-rich diet is generally one of their first lifestyle improvements. The demand for more protein has a significant impact on grain and oilseed demand, as protein-based diets are more dependent on these procts than carbohydrate-based diets.
Considering the ever-expanding world population, the increased demand for protein and the fact that there is limited arable land on our planet, the most efficient way to meet the increasing demand for food is to increase crop yields. That's where Mosaic comes in. Our crop nutrients can double, triple or even quadruple a farmer's yield per acre. Agronomists estimate that commercial crop nutrients directly account for 40% to 60% of crop yields. The optimum use of crop nutrients is essential to growing the food the world needs.
Our crop nutrition procts are complemented by our customized services. From field mapping and soil testing to agronomic consulting and fertilizer blending innovations, our services provide real-world benefits to our customers.
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