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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 21:13



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 09:15

A, the property and use of sulfuric acid
The sulfuric acid(H SO4) is a kind of achromatic oil-like in shape liquid, opposite density 1.8269.The sulfuric acid of the industrial production means that SO3 and H O press the aqua that the certain proportion mixs, but deliver smoke sulfuric acid to mean the Mo Er of SO3 and H O to compare more than 1 aqua among them.Sulfuric acid density with mean, but deliver smoke sulfuric acid the per cent with the H SO4 qualitieses density with contain to visit the per cent of SO3 or total SO3 leaving to mean.The sulfuric acid is very important basic chemical raw material, its use is very extensive, not only have strong sour the whole universalities, but also have some characteristics, have dehydration, oxidize such as the oil of vitriol, the Huang turn etc..
Two, produce the raw material of sulfuric acid
Make the raw material of taking the sulfuric acid, meaning can produce the material of SO2.Mainly have sulphide mineral, sulphur, vitriol, contain hydrogen sulfide of industrial, waste gas and Ye chain smoke spirit etc..
Three, get in touch with the method sulfuric acid production line brief introduction
Sulfuric acid production method's being divided into a lead type method and contact method is 2 kinds.Lead type method due to canning not produce oil of vitriol and the equipments decay severity, as a result have already been eliminated, currently the production method of sulfuric acid mainly is get in touch with a method.The basic principle that gets in touch with a method is an applied solid catalyst, directly oxidize sulphur dioxide by the oxygen in the air, the production line mainly includes a few aspects as follows:
① The raw material is broken up, Shai cent, go together with to anticipate or dry;
② The sulphur iron mine bakes to burn;
③ The stove spirit purifies;
④ The sulphur dioxide catalyst oxidizes;
⑤ Stove the spirit is dry and three oxidize sulphur absorption;
⑥ The tail spirit recalls sulphur dioxide and wastewater treatment.
Underneath mainly from involved the SO2 catalystses of chemistry balance and oxidize to carry on treatise:
The stove spirit gets into SO2 catalystses to oxidize system after removing impurities and humidity and be so called to convert system.At this time stove annoys of mostly constitute for:7%~7.5(V) the SOs are 2,10.5%~11% O2s, the rest is a N2.The task that converts system, be under the function of catalyst, make SO2 and O2 respond born SO3.
1, the SO2 oxidize the chemistry balance of reaction
The SO2 oxidizes to respond to is a can go against of put hot reaction:
SO2+ SO2 SO3+Q
According to quality function laws, its equilibrium constant can in token of as follows:
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