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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 13:11



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 11:49

Electronic competitive with the network game's difference
Electronic competitive sports and online game all belong to the category of generalized electronic games. Electronic competitive sports and network games are two different concepts, from their properties, way and the project and so on each aspect, there are great differences.

Nature aspects
Begin from properties on look, e-sports is sports, network game is the entertainment game, it is both a very different nature.
The network game's purpose and means is to build a virtual world, in this world of all players like life a new society, this society has its own various "law", living in this society players must abide by these laws. Network game complete inherited RPG the key upgrade systems and called dolls of weapons and equipment system, players through these systems to understand their roles grow happiness, enjoyment. So essentially, network game is seeking to feel for the purpose of simulation and role-playing, relative to character is not very attention or need game of skill.

While the electronic competitive is adjacent at those traditional sports, antagonistically and gameplay is its characteristics. It has the quantitative and repeatable, precise comparison of characteristics, sports games way is fighting and game, more uniform rules and the same techniques, the sport of skill and tactics are exactly the same. Players through daily hard, equivalent to a boring training, improve himself and electronic equipment these games equipment related speed and reaction and cooperate with etc comprehensive ability, rely on the techniques and the level of skill and tactics of the play, for in the fight against winning and good grades. Actually say simply, electronic competitive sports is a sport, only their instruments, competition environment and so on is through the information technology to realize the just. This is its and network games the most essential difference.

Technically look, both institute relies on the network environment or carrier different, network game was completely built on international Internet, it left the Internet, cannot exist. While e-sports on are LAN environment, even can be directly connected the two computers, Internet just e-sports used to train or entertainment of a kind of means just.
In addition, both of the software dependent and profit means and operation ways and so on are different. Network game largely by software vendors constraints, through nearly three years in the market practice, been explored, a complete set of profit pattern. The game developers is responsible for the development of the game, and operators, players to play by responsible operation time pay, produced by the developer and the operator profit after a certain proportion of the share. While the electronic competitive basically do not suffer game software constraints, game developers is responsible for the development of the game, entrust issuing company issued by buying game, players, it paid one-off electronic sports entertainment and games. Such electronic competitive the organisers of the competition can get profits and game developer and issuance of corporate and no direct relation, which also caused both in platform construction and the relationship with the platform also is rather different.
The e-sports classified as official sports, sports and sports industry into orbit, inevitable highlight its physical characteristics, aggravate e-sports and online game development direction of respectively in different development.

Other contact
But, e-sports and network game though different, but both itself and its industry, all is the information technology of the product, among different has many similarities. How to deal with the relationship between the two e-sports development is necessary in the face of an important issue. From the present China's current situation, network game due to start earlier, gamers and larger, and has formed a very big market, the business model and industrial chain have been relatively mature and clear. China e-sports is still at the beginning stage, the game model, the game brand, business model and industrial chain, etc., are explored in. No matter to the project or to industry, electronic competitive sports and network game should strive toward each is in his proper place, bring out the best in each other, in fact, huge network game based on the development of e-sports concern is good, and the healthy development of e-sports to online game development is also promote and function.
Of course, now say electronic competitive sports and the network game's different, is a historical standpoint, use the development the eye, electronic competitive sports and network games does not separate, unquestionably invariable. From the theory and the practice on say, network game after development, in the supplementary and strengthen the characteristics of sports after, some of which may become development has become a new type of e-sports project.





热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 11:43


热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 11:44


Electronic Sports, abbreviated e-Sports is used as a general term to describe the play of video games competitively. Other terms include competitive gaming, professional gaming, cybersports and V-Sports.

Games that are considered Electronic Sports normally belong to the Real Time Strategy, First Person Shooter and Racing genres. They are played competitively at amateur, semi-professional and professional levels including in professional leagues and tournaments.

Recently, MMORPG's have also begun to hold online tournaments. The most notable is World of Warcraft which holds annual leagues with cash prizes for their tournaments. The prizes for 2010 World of Warcraft Global Arena total over $200,000 with a first prize of $75,000 US currency.

The main medium for electronic sports coverage is the Internet. Electronic sports websites generally focus on professional tournaments and the top level amateur games, leaving the other games to be covered by the leagues themselves or smaller game-specific community websites if at all.

Mainstream coverage in North America and Europe has increased, and more mainstream news websites are starting to regularly provide some coverage of the major events with occasional television coverage. One of the biggest contributors to the video game media coverage are professional video gamers such as Lil Poison and Fatal1ty.

In South Korea, electronic sports and events are regularly televised by dedicated 24-hour cable TV game channels Ongamenet and MBCGame. The most frequent games in South Korean electronic sports are the real-time strategy games StarCraft and Warcraft III. The South Korean scene is often cited as an example of popularised electronic sports by those who would like to see a similar level of popularity in the west.

In Germany, GIGA Television's majority of shows are covering e-sports. ESL TV was transformed into GIGA II in June 2007 but the concept failed and ESL TV was reintroduced in autumn 2007. ESL TV features e-sports only.

In the UK, XLEAGUE.TV broadcasts on SKY channel 208, showing both features on eSports and broadcasting matches from its online leagues and tournaments, which for the purpose of television shows, are shot from its studio rather than played online. This channel has ceased broadcasting as of 1 March 2009.

In France, Game One propose some e-sport matches in a show called "Arena Online" and is a partner of the Xfire Trophy, an invitational tournament. They broadcasted matches on games like Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, and recently Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

In the United States, gaming is seen on a variety of channels. ESPN has a show called Madden Nation, which shows gamers playing the Madden NFL game for XBOX 360. These players are competing for a cash prize. DirecTV shows live video game matches for the Championship Gaming Series. CBS aired footage of the 2007 World Series of Video Games tournament that was held in Louisville, Kentucky.G4 (TV channel) is dedicated to keeping viewers up to date on video games.
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