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Tegra 3技术参数与特性

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 04:04



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 05:53

Tegra 3, a technological marvel, employs the 40nm fabrication process by TSMC, featuring four cores with a maximum frequency of 1.4GHz and a single-core peak at 1.5GHz. Its CPU performance is claimed to be five times that of Tegra 2, reaching PC-level performance and even超越ing the Core 2 Duo T7200. Key to its prowess is its integrated 12-core GeForce GPU, offering a staggering three times the graphics power of Tegra 2 and supporting 3D stereoscopic displays.

What sets Tegra 3 apart is its innovative fifth core, known as the "Companion CPU core." This device, part of the 'quad-core' designation, introces NVIDIA's vSMP (Variable Symmetric Multiprocessing) architecture, which has been patented. The five CPU cores in Tegra 3 are identical, all based on the Cortex-A9 design, with four in high-performance mode (G) for enhanced speed, and one in low-power mode (LP) for lower power consumption, topping out at 500MHz.

The vSMP architecture exhibits intelligence in power management. During low-intensity tasks like background processes or audio/video playback, all four main cores are switched off, leaving only the Companion core active for energy efficiency. When demanding applications are running, Tegra 3 intelligently activates the cores as needed, while the Companion core remains dormant, ensuring a seamless transition with a latency of less than 2 milliseconds. Crucially, from the operating system's perspective, only the four balanced cores are recognized, concealing the fact that ring low-load scenarios, it is the Companion core that silently handles the load with its lower power consumption.
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