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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 03:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:24

baby one more time
oops i did it again
do something

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:24

后街男孩的something right taio cruz的

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:21

推荐逃亡乐队的dead end justice
最近比较迷 爱的魔幻乐队 这个乐队的歌都挺有节奏感,不错的

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:20

Go TO The Goal(实况足球2008的插曲)

Cross the line and win
Told you so
Told you I would don’t call me small
We all know in the end
Winners take it all
I’m brave enough to fight

That’s right
I’ve been listening things made of guts
It’s the stuff that keeps me going high

I’m grounded focus on what I have to do
There’s no stopping me
There’s courage that moves me
I will get through
You’ll see

I want to go
Go for the goal
Don’t stand in my way
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Make it do or die
I feel the need to grow be the best won’t stop til I succeed
Bring enough to win
Strength from within
I’ll be the hero I was born to be
And you’ll be proud of me
I’m grounded focus, on what I have to do
There’s no stopping me
There’s courage that moves me
I will get through
You’ll see

I want to go
Go for the goal
Don’t stand in my way
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Yeah, yeah….
Don’t try to stop me,
Yeah… Yeah, yeah

I’m going ahead

Let’s go
Go for the goal
Don’t stand in my way
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Go for the goal (go for the goal)
Don’t stand in my way (don’t stand in my way)
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top (right to the top)
Give all I got (give all i got)
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Cross the line and win
Strike strong from within
I’m brave enough
I’m strong enough
I’m proud enough to win


热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:19

Upside Down--A Tenns
Ba Yonga Wamba--Banaroo
Semi--charmed life--Third eye blind
cooler than me--Mike posner
sweet like cola--Lou Bega
It's ok--Maxwell

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:21

后街男孩的something right taio cruz的

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:25

baby one more time
oops i did it again
do something

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:23

Go TO The Goal(实况足球2008的插曲)

Cross the line and win
Told you so
Told you I would don’t call me small
We all know in the end
Winners take it all
I’m brave enough to fight

That’s right
I’ve been listening things made of guts
It’s the stuff that keeps me going high

I’m grounded focus on what I have to do
There’s no stopping me
There’s courage that moves me
I will get through
You’ll see

I want to go
Go for the goal
Don’t stand in my way
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Make it do or die
I feel the need to grow be the best won’t stop til I succeed
Bring enough to win
Strength from within
I’ll be the hero I was born to be
And you’ll be proud of me
I’m grounded focus, on what I have to do
There’s no stopping me
There’s courage that moves me
I will get through
You’ll see

I want to go
Go for the goal
Don’t stand in my way
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Yeah, yeah….
Don’t try to stop me,
Yeah… Yeah, yeah

I’m going ahead

Let’s go
Go for the goal
Don’t stand in my way
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top
Give all I got
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Go for the goal (go for the goal)
Don’t stand in my way (don’t stand in my way)
Don’t try to stop me
I’m going ahead
Right to the top (right to the top)
Give all I got (give all i got)
I’m a winner
And winner’s not feeling alone

Cross the line and win
Strike strong from within
I’m brave enough
I’m strong enough
I’m proud enough to win


热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:17

Upside Down--A Tenns
Ba Yonga Wamba--Banaroo
Semi--charmed life--Third eye blind
cooler than me--Mike posner
sweet like cola--Lou Bega
It's ok--Maxwell

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 01:17

推荐逃亡乐队的dead end justice
最近比较迷 爱的魔幻乐队 这个乐队的歌都挺有节奏感,不错的
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