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...think i'm crazy啥的,之后是男声说唱,声音像是阿姆

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 22:25



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 14:24

<Think I'M Crazy>---Chamillionaire

I want to know who you are but you still look very nice
So will you talk to me?
Should I tell you a story? Should I tell you a treat?
【They think I'm crazy,】

They don't understand how I feel
See, it started off as just a simple conversation I gave her
The name of my record company, (Oh your a sanger)
I said my name's Chamillionaire and I'm a rap entertainer
(Oh you that guy they talking bout when they be whisperin, ain't cha
Bring your name up when they talking and say money will change ya
I heard a lot about how you can't deal with your anger
Heard the rumors how your always in trouble or danger
Not gotta judge you if it's true, there's no need to explain sir
You do have a right to be, you seem like your nice to me
i'm 'bout to order me another drink, yeah would you like a seat?)
I tell the boy the same hennessey on ice for me
Her drink starts emptying as she's pouring out her life to me
Telling me about her goals and how successful she would like to be
And invite me to a session of her life and she
Seems so damn innocent but something isn't right to me
She pulls out her picture phone "I got pictures, would you like to see?"
I'm thinking she gotta be friendly as hell
Giving a soul to me, it's like an identity sell
We never met is the story that my memory tells
Telling me tales like she doesn't handle hennessey well

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 14:24

The Monster (feat. Rihanna) - Eminem;Rihanna



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 14:20

《I need doctor》
光线为什么不存在 炒菜时要等到油冒烟吗 高考数学选修没涂有分吗? 高考选修不涂有分数吗 《宫》中插曲是什么乐器演奏的? 电视剧《宫》的主题曲和片尾曲分别是什么? 爱我的人和我爱的人原唱是裘海正还是游鸿明 刑法对追诉时效的规定 刑事案件追诉期限的法律规定是什么? 爱奇艺海外版怎么下载 高潮是:哦哦哦哦哦I'm not the typical. 是女歌手唱的英文歌。求大神... 活得精彩:如何在日常生活中获得更多的乐趣 ...名字,开头是一个挺怪异的声音,唱的词是sorry,I'm so lonely 一首男生唱的英文歌,歌词高潮部分是:i'm not crazy i just。。。 乐趣详细解释 跪求一首女生唱的韩文歌,开头是哦哦哦哎咦哎咦啊,还有几句英文:i... 一乐怎么造句 板栗烧鸡怎么做肉质鲜美、百吃不厌? 怎么做板栗烧鸡口感更鲜美? 板栗烧鸡怎么做口感更好? 板栗烧鸡怎么烹饪口感最佳? 请问板粟烧鸡怎么样才能使板粟不碎啊?谢谢 机械迷城小游戏2怎么玩(机械迷城第九关图文攻略)「每日一条」_百度知... 机械迷城怎么玩第二关 机械迷城第三关怎么玩 当兵政审的步骤 一年到头用冷水洗头发会对身体有危害吗? 身份证的前六位数字代表什么信息蚂蚁庄园1月4日答案 ...其实就是马铃薯烧鸡子,放了点红辣椒,优点是盘子大,你怎么看_百度知 ... 葫芦丝c调的荷塘月色,要图片 一首英文歌有句 you say i'm crazy sac安装步骤 新手自学葫芦丝买个什么调的 步进电机的结构和三种控制模式 ...她难道不怕失去我吗,还是觉得我离不开她有恃无恐? 我要军训了 拿点零食 给一些建议啊 最好对身体有帮助的 克服军训的 军训的时候需要带点什么东西 过几天我们学校就要军训了,我肯定会晒黑的告诉我该怎么美白说些切实可... 我要上高中了 第一星期要军训 不知道要带点什么东西 支支招吧 大家_百 ... 考研初试分数正好踩着国家线怎么办? 我买了个外接键盘 但不知道怎么用 大虾们帮帮忙啊 加我的QQ也行啊 在 ... 我新买一个键盘键盘一插进去鼠标就移不动了电脑还在运行啊大神们帮帮忙... ...键盘进系统前好使 进去之后就不好使了 大家帮帮忙 拆笔记本键盘时键盘的插线与笔记本之间连接的那个连接装置坏了 一般... 新买的PKB7000X键盘``我在往吧上网时插在机箱的USB上`为什么不好使呢... 急!新买的USB键盘不能用,牌子是星迪的 PS软件的全称PS软件的全称是什么 3.7÷0.008用竖式计算怎么算 14 16 18 20 22螺纹钢筋一米有多 拉不出大便大便很细排便次数不规律怎么回事