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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 08:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 14:02

Original house of the Palace Museum it is said that "9999 thins out half " , "the sea of popular name palace", is extant 8707 150,000 square metres rooms , built-up area. But originally repair project Israel-China axis in 2003 building give first place to gleam, from the midday door to the epithet of a great conquering general door, large amount of building lists in the repair plan, repairing a project is that maximal wood of Chinese constructs palace "Hall of Supreme Harmony " , is just the popular name "emperor's audience hall" , repairs the day afer tomorrow having reproced circumstances resplendent and magnificent accept being focusing attention upon most. The entire Palace Museum repair project is over in 7 at the end of a month , the visitor can see each palaces having a bright , new look at the appointed time.

Have the history of more than 500 years, process this time brand-new refit queen, this "day street " that an old and famous shop or enterprise gathers for a century is brand-new face a visitor. Literary quotation , news report to front door main street are also to delight in talking about but , nine measures nine with "former arch over gateway son, three five four bridge decorated archways " common sayings beginning, the main street having given an account of the front door mounts five decorated archways "predecessors this life ". Talk besides to arrive at: The shop sign tradition has it that upper front door main street an old and famous shop or enterprise "gets along all once" is that Qianlong emperor emperor's handwriting kisses a problem , Shaomai is celebrated for that the infertile filling of skin is many flavour delicious but , makes handicraft being particular very , that the meat stuffing fabrication just needs to select and use 70%'s essence lean meat only, makes meat stuffing fragrant but no meticulous

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 14:02

Original house of the Palace Museum it is said that "9999 thins out half " , "the sea of popular name palace", is extant 8707 150,000 square metres rooms , built-up area. But originally repair project Israel-China axis in 2003 building give first place to gleam, from the midday door to the epithet of a great conquering general door, large amount of building lists in the repair plan, repairing a project is that maximal wood of Chinese constructs palace "Hall of Supreme Harmony " , is just the popular name "emperor's audience hall" , repairs the day afer tomorrow having reproced circumstances resplendent and magnificent accept being focusing attention upon most. The entire Palace Museum repair project is over in 7 at the end of a month , the visitor can see each palaces having a bright , new look at the appointed time.

Have the history of more than 500 years, process this time brand-new refit queen, this "day street " that an old and famous shop or enterprise gathers for a century is brand-new face a visitor. Literary quotation , news report to front door main street are also to delight in talking about but , nine measures nine with "former arch over gateway son, three five four bridge decorated archways " common sayings beginning, the main street having given an account of the front door mounts five decorated archways "predecessors this life ". Talk besides to arrive at: The shop sign tradition has it that upper front door main street an old and famous shop or enterprise "gets along all once" is that Qianlong emperor emperor's handwriting kisses a problem , Shaomai is celebrated for that the infertile filling of skin is many flavour delicious but , makes handicraft being particular very , that the meat stuffing fabrication just needs to select and use 70%'s essence lean meat only, makes meat stuffing fragrant but no meticulous
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