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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 08:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 00:51


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 00:52

The feeling of probationUntil the practical training begin I feel today is the tirest day for me ,just as what I had told Ken yesterday.We really stand for a long time in the operation room.Fortunately it only two days in the operation room.Today I arrange in plastic surgery by auxiliary nurse... All I had seen are the skin grafting only one operation for hemorrhoids... When the plastic surgery finished I went to my classmate operation room ,my classmate told me about that she is in general surgical operation room and the surgeon is doing mastectomy... Although today is so tired but I feel very substantial... I notice all the surgeons and nurses are very strict in sterile, they alway put their hands infront of their chest avoid their hands to touch everywhere...it makes me image pastor Siu,when he preaching on the dais he always put his hands in front of his chest :P or when he sit down his hands also get use to put infornt of his chest :P Habit is the second nature ^^ Come over this probation I feel it is not suitable for me to work in operation room^^because come over today I feel the legs are not belongs to me ^^

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 00:51


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 00:52

The feeling of probationUntil the practical training begin I feel today is the tirest day for me ,just as what I had told Ken yesterday.We really stand for a long time in the operation room.Fortunately it only two days in the operation room.Today I arrange in plastic surgery by auxiliary nurse... All I had seen are the skin grafting only one operation for hemorrhoids... When the plastic surgery finished I went to my classmate operation room ,my classmate told me about that she is in general surgical operation room and the surgeon is doing mastectomy... Although today is so tired but I feel very substantial... I notice all the surgeons and nurses are very strict in sterile, they alway put their hands infront of their chest avoid their hands to touch everywhere...it makes me image pastor Siu,when he preaching on the dais he always put his hands in front of his chest :P or when he sit down his hands also get use to put infornt of his chest :P Habit is the second nature ^^ Come over this probation I feel it is not suitable for me to work in operation room^^because come over today I feel the legs are not belongs to me ^^
畅享好还是荣耀好 怎么向老师请教问题?? ...和是40.15较大数的小数点向左移动一位就等于较小的数,这两_百度知... 两个数的和是40.15,较大数的小数点向左移动一位就等于较小的数这两... 两个数的和是40.15,较大的数的小数点像向左移动一位就等于较小的数... 两个数的和是40.15,较大数的小数点向左移动一位等于较小的数 ...和是40.15较大数的小数点向左移动一位就等于较小的数这两个数分别... 怎么用手机查询农行信用卡余额? 朝阳公园附近有孩子可以托管的地方吗? 华泰证券怎么添加第二张银行卡 我是个中专生 学影像专业 放假了 要到医院见习两个星期 见习实践报告怎么写啊 800 影像见习总结 乌龟的生活习性,在家里怎么喂养 家里养了只乌龟该如何饲养? 怎么饲养乌龟 白化巴西龟的养殖方法 输尿管结石突出怎么治疗? 哺乳期妈妈吃什么好? 我想做一个安卓手机端的APP需要什么硬件啊?比如什么电脑配置,什么软件?谢谢 我从CSDN下载的JSP+MYSQL的源码怎么用 如何在安卓手机上开发安卓软件 怎样用android开发系统制作app软件 想学习安卓手机应用的开发,编写一个应用软件在自己的安卓手机上运行!请问大家能给点建议吗? 作文开头有哪些好方法 作文开篇技巧有哪些? 怎样才能写好作文的开头,都说万事开头难 申请团代表的个人简历及申请书 作文开头怎么写技巧 全国人大代表申纪兰的个人简介如何? 作文的开头方法有哪些 我想问一下,我是一个医学影像的毕业生,想知道怎么做好b超我是技术,2010年毕业的,没实习,见习过 关于三维技术:虚拟展示方面的知识和虚拟展示方面的实习报告、总结和感受 仙鹤草搭配什么最好 仙鹤草在本草纲目哪部? 仙鹤草的选方 中草药仙鹤草和大枣药剂主治什么 种植中草药仙鹤草一亩能产多少斤 喝仙鹤草能使皮肤光滑吗 这是什么草药吗 仙鹤草和鹤仙草是一个药材名称吗 仙鹤草这种东西哪里能买到? 新鲜的仙鹤草与中药仙鹤草效果一样吗 清明节扫墓作文400字(是去墓地扫墓的亲) 作文:清明节扫墓(400个字左右) 瘦脸多少钱 溶脂瘦脸针要多少钱 打瘦脸针可以么?多少钱? 瘦脸针多少钱??一张脸大概需要打几针? 请问做瘦脸手术要多少钱,哪些人群适合做? botox瘦脸针一般费用是多少