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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 14:34



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 16:30

《Fly Away》-Rmean ft. soseh


Verse 1:

Let's fly away into a brighter day
cuz even with a lotta rain I'm outta pain when I look inside ur eyes, so baby don't u cry again
I say let's fly away cuz every time I try escape I realize that you're my only hide away
the future is a mile away and baby I'm so proud to say you're in my life
Father, I'm so thankful that I gotta pray like every night
And if I die today just know I love you
I swear to God I better die before you
cuz the second I loose you it's gon be my demise, the only thing I fear
baby I apologize for every single tear
let's just start a lotta lives and have a millions kids pop
but for now let's fly away, let's dissappear
cuz on the real I love it how u real as I
man, i love it how u never cover how u feel inside
i love ur perfection, love ur every single flaw
love everything about you, you're my everything and more


Hold my hand, lets fly away
Away together
I won't let go cuz I am yours
I'm yours forever

Verse 2:

Forever - so let's fly away
cuz i gotta say
sometimes I'm reminiscin, just in my mind I rewind the days
to when I was tryna find a way to come see u
as a little adolecsent, tryna be cool
know each other since pre-school
been together since junior high
even different continents could never get us to divide
kinda corny, but I still got all the letters you would write
all the shit i put you thru my little tiger, u could fight
now we finally unify
bandage up the wounds, let it bleed
start these new memories
as long as u never leave
we was 2 little teens
from surprise visits over seas to u bein my only true little queen
this is fate, it's a mutha
I'm tryna understand this shit, I think our parents planned this shit the way we made for each other
it's meant to be, so darling, let's read the Bible before we sleep
babygirl, I been yours and forever I'm yours to keep

Verse 3:

So let's fly away
your love is the highest plane
my heart's pumpin the way u runnin inside my veins
if i had a gun on the side of my brain I'd let em shoot
cuz baby for u I'll jump out of a plane without a chute
catch u in the air, start pushin thru it all
splatter on the floor first and be the cushion when u fall
man, I'll save u
you're my only dream that ever came true
lotta pretty women but they ain't u
you're the one, the aint two
u my first dance and my last one
shawty we'll be walkin on the moon, Michael Jackson
take the broken pieces of ur heart and put em back then
put this on everything, I promise I'll make it happen
baby, hold my hands and
fate wanna take us
Let's just dissappear without a trail like the blazers
let's fly away to where life wanna take us and we can dissappear without a trail like the blazers

你给的试听为段落Chorus和Verse 2

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 16:26


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