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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 09:58



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 18:07

The modern Olympic movement originated in Western culture and has since become a shared spiritual civilization for the entire world.
Ancient Greece's Olympia was a "city of the gods," featuring temples dedicated to Zeus and other deities. Each year, it hosted religious rituals intended to please the gods (divine entertainment). In 776 BC, the Games took on a competitive format, marking the beginning of the ancient Olympic Games. Beyond pleasing the gods, these events showcased human physical abilities and catered to the spiritual needs of various societal groups. The competitions included self-entertainment, entertainment for officials, and other forms.
From 776 BC to 394 AD, the ancient Olympics occurred every four years, amounting to 293 installments. During the Games, a "sacred truce" was observed, ring which all hostilities were suspended. This event transcended the mere sport and symbolized civilization, equality, and went beyond material wealth, earning it the label of ancient Olympic sports culture.
The Olympic movement was nearly eradicated under medieval theological rule but was revived ring the Renaissance as humanism replaced theology as the dominant ideology, establishing new humanistic values. This marked a new phase of sports development.
With the advancement of Western instrial civilization, sports entertainment expanded, and the world of sports competitions experienced fluctuations. The yearning for the sacredness and purity of the ancient Olympic culture prompted famous scholars of the time to advocate for its revival.
In June 1894, the French ecator and historian Baron de Coubertin indefatigably established the International Olympic Committee and adopted the first Olympic Charter. In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, marking the birth of a global sports culture and the emergence of a new, unified global sports and cultural paradigm. It bridged cultural divides and completed a qualitative transformation in the history of human sports culture, becoming a unique part of the modern Olympic movement.
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