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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 07:58



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 23:52

Last spring festival was in the February,In that spring festival,every family all pasted the lucky.People fired the cracker.I still remember the day when I played fireworks in the open air with my brother.We had many fireworks.And we got together to have the new year's dinner,wishing each other,talking about the wishes about the new year.We ate the dumplings that night,we had made dumplings and it is very delious.I hoped that I could make progress in study and everyone in families happy.we received the money given by my relatives as a lunar new year gift.l liked it very much.
This spring festival will be in February,In this spring festival,every family all will paste the lucky.People will fire the cracker.I will play fireworks in the open air with my brother.We will have many fireworks.And we will get together to have the new year's dinner,wishing each other,talking about the wishes about the new year.We will eat the dumplings that night,we are going to made dumplings and it will be very delious.I am about to hope that I will make progress in study and everyone in families happy.we will receive the money given by my relatives as a lunar new year gift.l will like it very much.
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