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...首英文歌,非常动听的女声,歌词i don't care what they trying to sa...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 23:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 23:28

歌手:Lindsay Lohan

歌名:Watchin' Me

(Y’all thought I was dumb)
You can read about my life
It’s all about what you like
(look at me now)
You can keep on watching, watching
(I’m stuck in the game)
You can keep on watching, watching
(so watch me get down)
You can keep on watching, watching…
(I am better than e-e-ever, I am better than e-e-ever
So text all your friends, and tell them that)

A day in my shoes
I bet you could if paparazzi breaking news
Sometimes it wasn’t fair
But they didn’t care
I would wish that I could disappear

Anything I do I say
Would always be taken in the wrong way
But let’s get one thing clear
I’m goin’ nowhere
I’m goin’ be right here, here, here

So I don’t care what they’re trying to say
And I don’t care what they’re trying to do
(keep on watching, watching)
But they can write about my life
It’s all a bunch of lies
They can keep on watching, stalking, talking
(watching, watching, watching me)

When I think it’s all fine
I see a cover with the lie
coz behind an addiction, and an affliction
a misconception of me, reputation of me

All the writers think that I'm...
I'm okay with all the shhh---- cross my mind
But it won’t face me
I’m a lady
In all, I got my career
So I ain’t going nowhere

So they can keep watching me
All these publicities
Get me the cover of all of the media
So they can keep writing
Thank you for writing
It got me the cover of…

So I don’t care what they’re trying to say
And I don’t care what they’re trying to do
(keep on watching, watching)
But they can write about my life
It’s all a bunch of lies
They can keep on watching, stalking, talking


(watching, watching, watching me)

Don’t leave me alone
I got an exclusive
You might wanna use it

(back to opening)

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 23:29

畅享好还是荣耀好 怎么向老师请教问题?? ...和是40.15较大数的小数点向左移动一位就等于较小的数,这两_百度知... 两个数的和是40.15,较大数的小数点向左移动一位就等于较小的数这两... 两个数的和是40.15,较大的数的小数点像向左移动一位就等于较小的数... 两个数的和是40.15,较大数的小数点向左移动一位等于较小的数 ...和是40.15较大数的小数点向左移动一位就等于较小的数这两个数分别... 怎么用手机查询农行信用卡余额? 朝阳公园附近有孩子可以托管的地方吗? 华泰证券怎么添加第二张银行卡 求一首英文歌曲,女的唱的,里面有句是I don't care what they say 求一首女声唱的中间带i don't care what……的歌 ...的时候非常厉害,但打半场或全场的时候就很害羞不敢打怎么办... 我姓邹,孩子妈妈姓凌,孩子还不知是男孩还是女孩?都取一下好吗? ...有很多人不敢在地面上走路,也不敢在地面上打篮球,只要地下听到震荡或 ... 我在打篮球的时候想突破上篮。但是为什么会感到有点害怕的那种,_百度... 打篮球时不敢上篮怎么办 如何辨别几秒内,几秒初,第几秒。。。的问题(O_O)?急急急。。。 健康码黄码去医院会被隔离吗 健康码黄码怎么变绿码怎么重新申请 农业银行卡补办要几天 ? B2C网上商城B2C 网上商城方案 独立B2C商城优势?企业商城应该这样建! ...地方好些,我想到云南的丽江 大理 西双版纳? 冰箱搬家可以放倒吗? 求北京到丽江往返最好的交通方式 北京去云南的丽江和香格里拉,怎么安排旅程好?(希望去过的人给些建议... 北京丽江旅游景点有哪些 脸色暗黄应该怎样护理? 笔记本电脑拔掉电源为什么会关机 电池显示满格,为什么拔掉电源会关机! 求but i like it so .. i don1t care what they say i just want to... 怎样才不被篮球砸到头 dove吉他和雷蒙斯、鹰牌、威娜吉他,哪个好?请内行的老师们帮忙选择选择... 北京周边有收出家做尼姑的地吗 真是一言难尽呀,只想找个清静的地方度过... 我想当尼姑,马上本科毕业,从小就对佛学感兴趣,全家信佛教,哪个寺庙愿意... 台式电脑显示器与主机之间通过什么连接,只有线吗,什么线,几根 雨果爱的名言 《我的勇者》符文能量提升成为巅峰勇者 我的勇者符文能量怎么提升-符文能量提升方法分享 ...5元的两种笔记本共30本花了130元,其中4元笔记本有多 买三种图书30本,共用130元。其中科技书每本5元,故事书每本6元,文艺书... 米虫是怎么防止的? 王叔叔去文具店买钢笔和笔记本,如果买3支钢笔和2本笔记本,需要65... 金管家保单宝是什么贷 保单宝属于什么贷款吗 have been to还是have gone to有什么区别呢 世界智力运动:国际跳棋目录 如果不是为了化妆,也有必要用隔离霜么? 不化妆有必要用隔离霜吗? 会不会引发粉刺? 隔离霜直接涂还是需要有什... 不化妆,长期用隔离霜,皮肤有负担吗?