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Why don't you take the children to the forest?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 18:37



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 03:25

"Take the children into the forest! Otherwise, we will starve to death!" Mother said.
"No, that's too cruel."
"Well, then you have to look for food."
Because it was too poor, no, father had promised.
Badger and Koranti are brother and sister listened very sad. Bangui smart, while after theparents were asleep, secretly went to the yard, pick up a lot of stones in my pocket.
The second day, the couple was to take them to the forest, Badger along the way and leavemany stones, to sign as home to know the way.
"You wait here, we go to the wood."
The brother and sister sat on the grass to play, imperceptibly asleep. Wake up, it was already dark.
Koranti frightened and cried. Badger took the crying sister, follow the stones mark, walked home.
Two people finally came home, my father is very happy, but mother was calm face.
Only a few days, Badger heard the mother said to the father: "this time, to make sure they don't come back."
At night, Badger want to pick up the stones, but the door is locked.
The second day, the same is the case, Badger had to use bread instead of stones, and down along the road. Unexpectedly, the bread was the bird to eat a light.
The brother and sister always woke up in the middle of the night, Badger comfort her said:"never mind, bread crumbs will tell us the way home."
But, can not find how to find bread crumbs.
"Ah! How to do?"
Two people hungry belly wandering in the forest, Corran couldn't help crying.
"Sister, don't cry, dawn, brother to take you home."
Deeper night, brother and sister both tired imperceptibly asleep again.
Soon, the dawn.
Both brother and sister to wake up, just to find a way out, walked and walked, suddenly,Badger's eyes a bright, cried:
"See! The house!"
They're happy approached a look, "wow! This house is all with candy, cookies made!"
Brother and sister both is really hungry, could not help but flew past, remove the house is indifferent to eat up.
"Ah! This is delicious.
Then, from behind the gentle voice said: "who is nibbling at my house?" A lady came out from the house.
"Sorry, we are lost in the forest children."
Your wife is very modest and said: "oh! Poor child, come and get it! There are many good things in the house."
After eating, your wife let both of them sleep in beautiful and comfortable bed. Brother and sister both good happy Oh, soon fell asleep.
"Hey hey hey...... Success!"
In fact, your wife is a man eating witch change. "Well! The man is fat, eat him."
Second days, Badger was close to a big box.
Corran was happy to run to open the case, Badger will be saved.
"Brother, brother! The witch is dead!"
"Ah! Really?"
"Well! Really." Corran will be after the case told brother.
Brother and sister both happy to embrace. Badger moved to say: "sister, you brave oh!"
"No," Koranti said: "brother you're smart!"
Two people happy to get away. In the basement, they found a big box, open and see.
"Wow! That's lovely!
Originally, in the box full of jewels and gold.
Badger said: "we take some home as a gift."
Two the jewelry and coins into his pocket, "well, hurry home. While it's not black before, to find a way out!" Badger tightly holding her hand, out of the witch's house.
Wow! Finally, finally they got out of the forest, however, a deep and wide river is in the front,and more trouble is, neither the bridge on the river, the shore and no ship.
That's too bad. How to cross the river?"
"Wow! See! A Ono Kamo."
The other side of the river, there is a Ono Kamozhengyu swim.
Corran shouted: "yes, you can ask Mr. wild ck!"
Then, two people together and shouted: "Mr. wild ck, please take us to the other side,okay?"
Wild ck seemed to understand what they like words, and swam over, and carried them across the river.
So far, they will see his home.
"Wow! Back home."
The brother and sister quickly ran.
Father saw them back, happy with open arms, hug them.
The brother and sister will be on the gold and silver jewelry, take out, said: "Dad, you see, we are back to the gift!" Then the story told dad.
"Oh! My poor child. Never let you leave."
During this period, dad every day have a sad, but mother also died.
Since then, a family of three and happy life together.
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