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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 04:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:47

New Hampshire新罕布什尔州
New Jersey新泽西州
New Mexico新墨西哥州
New York纽约州
North Carolina北卡罗来州
North Dakota北达科他州
Rhode Island 罗得岛
South Carolina南卡罗来州
South Dakota南达科他州
West Virginia西弗吉尼亚州

Abilene Christian University
Adelphi University
Agnes Scott College
Air Force Institute of Technology
Alabama A
Alabama State University
Alaska Pacific University
Albertson College of Idaho
Albion College
Alderson-Broads College
Alfred University
Allegheny College
Allentown College
Alma College
Alverno College
Ambassador University
American Baptist Theological Seminary
American Bible College and Seminary
American Graate School of International Management
The American University
Amherst College
Angelo State University
Anderson College
Andrews University
Antioch College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Arkansas Tech University
Armstrong State University
Art Center College of Design
Ashland University
Assumption College
Athena University
Athens State College
Atlantic Union College
Auburn University
Augsburg College
Augusta College
Augustana College, Rock Island Illinois
Augustana College, Souix Falls South Dakota
Austin College
Austin Peay State University
Averett College
Azusa Pacific University


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:48

1National flag:The flag of the United States consists of 13 equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states and the 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies. The United States flag is commonly called "the Stars and Stripes" or "Old Glory," with the latter nickname coined by Captain William Driver, a Salem, Massachusetts shipmaster.

2.The National Anthem :"The Star Spangled Banner"

2.International allegiences
Because of the size and large population of the country, America is often described as a nation of joiners who tend to self-associate with non-familial groups. Indivials tend to perceive themselves as "free agents" rather than bound by family or clan ties.

Group allegiances are sometimes regional, but can also be related to a professional or fraternal organization. For example, residents of North Carolina are proud to be "Tar Heels," Indiana residents are "Hoosiers" and Texans are notorious for an especially prominent state pride often compared to nationalism. Many cities have a strong sense of civic identity, often reinforced by an innocuous but deeply felt rivalry with another local city. An example of such a rivalry exists between the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. A strong rivalry that continues to this day involves the cities of Boston and New York, which is centered around the historic baseball rivalry between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.

Recent immigrants tend to congregate with other immigrants from their country of origin, often establishing neighborhoods (sometimes called ethnic enclaves) in cities with popular names like "Chinatown", "Poletown", or "Little Saigon." Second- and third-generation descendants of immigrants tend to have looser affiliations with their ethnic groups.

America has tens of thousands of clubs and organizations, and if a group has a charitable or service orientation, Americans may volunteer their time through those groups. Examples of these groups include the Rotary Club, the Boy Scouts of America, Little League, etc.
3 Food
A hamburger is a famous food in the United States.
A hamburger is a famous food in the United States.

The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine, sometimes appear. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin. Families that have lived for a few generations in the U.S. tend to eat some combination of that and the food common to the region they live in or grew up in, such as New England cuisine, Midwestern cuisine, Southern cuisine, Tex-Mex cuisine, and Californian cuisine.

4.Popular culture

The United States is known around the world for the films, shows, and musical performances that it proces. The biggest centers of popular American culture are New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Florida, and Las Vegas. Smaller venues such as Branson, Missouri and Nashville have become popular, but most cities host travelling proctions of popular Broadway shows.


In the American ecational system children are generally required to attend school from the age of five or six until age 16, with the majority continuing until they are at least 17 or 18, or have graated from high school. The public ecation systems vary from one state to another but generally are organized as follows:

* Age five: Kindergarten
* Ages six-11: Elementary school. Children start in grade 1 and advance to grade 5 or 6.
* Ages 12-14 or 11-14: Junior high school or middle school (usually grades 7-8 or grades 6-8, respectively).
* Ages 14-18: High school (usually grades 9-12 or 10-12, depending on whether the community uses middle schools or junior high schools).

The entire span of primary and secondary ecation, from Kindergarten to grade 12, is often abbrieved in the US as K-12 or K12, which in spoken American English is rendered as "K through 12" or "K 12."

Additionally, many children attend schools before they reach the age of five. These pre-schools are often private and not part of the public ecational system although some public school systems include pre-schools.
Work and jobs
An American highway in Atlanta, Georgia
An American highway in Atlanta, Georgia

Most people commute to work using automobiles rather than mass transit; the effect of the automobile on the United States and its prominence in American life cannot be underestimated.

Most jobs are based on a 40-hour work week; that is, five days (Monday through Friday), eight hours per day. The United States has minimum wage laws requiring a minimum wage for many employees, though a number of employment sectors are excluded. Minimum wage differs from state to state; some states have higher minimum wages than the wage mandated by the federal government.

Vacations are usually two weeks. Other company benefits may include sick days and/or personal days. Americans usually retire at the age of 65, but may retire earlier if their pension plans/financial status permits it.


Immediately after World War II, Americans began living in increasing numbers in the suburbs, belts around major cities with higher density than rural areas, but much lower than urban areas. This move has been attributed to many factors such as the automobile, the availability of large tracts of land, the increasing violence in urban centers (see white flight), and the cheapness of housing. These new single-family houses were usually one or two stories tall, and often were part of large contracts of homes built by a single developer. The resulting low-density development has been given the pejorative label "urban sprawl."

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:48

什么是转动惯性量 我不愿让你一个人歌曲歌词 五月天教我打电话给我喜欢的人,我打了,可是他不接怎么办?他挂了我... 14个亚马逊站点你知道多少?亚马逊不同站点特点讲解! 亚马逊的站点有哪些?站点怎么选择? 千娇app如何下载安装,有哪些功能? ...浸没在水中称是3N,则石块受到的浮力是___N,排开的水的体积是___立 ... 在空气中用弹簧测力计测得某石块重5N;浸没在水中称量,弹簧测力计的示数... ...浸没在水中,测力计的示数为3N,则物体受到的浮力为 ...满水的溢水杯中时弹簧测力计的示数是3N,则石块受到的浮 梦见小孩用银针扎自己,昨晚梦见朋友家的孩子用银针往自己身上扎 扎了好多根银针是什么意思? 谁能用英语介绍一下美国 50字左右 (急用) 用英语介绍美国简单的五十字 用英语对美国作简要介绍,地理位置(所临海洋及临国)、面积、50个州、首都、人口、经济状况、中美关系 大学生毕业开题报告,自己不会写,找网站代呆写可是不通过TB,网址发不出来是,叫帮帮论文网,是不是呢 大学生网上购买服装意向影响因素分析 求毕业论文开题报告 大学生网上购物满意度研究的文献综述怎么写 大学生开网店的优势论文的开题报告 恭城瑶族自治县人民医院护士辞职要违约金吗 医院也就是事业单位,见习期辞职要违约金吗,合同上写着违约金一年5000,现在只是见习期。要签3年 我与一家医院签了5年的劳动合同,想提前辞职,需要赔违约金吗? 我是一个在编*,辞职会有多少违约金啊。刚签了五年劳动合同,想干不到一年就走,应该交多钱违约金。 医院合同工辞职违约金 招聘*进修后辞职,但进修前签了进修合同,里面说需要在医院呆5年,不然赔偿双倍违约金 我是一名*,在公立医院上班,前段时间跟医院签了三年合同,合同上面写未满规定时间一年赔违约金800 我是*,请问我工作一年了,但去年已经签了五年的合同,违约金是一万,但现在要辞职,请问支付违约金吗 合同护士辞职违约金要给吗 医院合同工辞职需要赔付违约金吗 我是* 找的医院是派遣制的 刚和派遣公司签完合同一个星期想辞职 需要陪违约金吗? 我在医院上班,和医院签了5年合同,说违约要赔两万,请问合法吗? 谁能给我一篇介绍美国的英文啊??? 根据下图和汉语提示 用英语写一篇短文对美国作一下简要介绍 请用英文介绍美国的位置、国土面积、人口数量、首都、标志性建筑 急!求美国的英文介绍 用英语简单介绍一下美国的基本情况,词数100 求bilibili升会员答案!!! 100分悬赏bilibili正式会员答案 b站成为正式会员题的答案是什么 双鱼男和金牛女的配对指数? 金牛和双鱼速配指数是多少 男双鱼座和女金牛座好不好啊 双鱼座男vs金牛座女配对指数 83双鱼女64金牛男相配吗 为什么我的招商信用卡快一年了都不提额的? 为什么招行信用卡一年都不给提额 为什么我的招联额度申请不出来? 招联提额度怎么提,我额度一直8000? 招联好期贷能提额吗? 宁波交了两年的公积金最少能贷多少钱? 银行对公账户总是没有缴纳年费会有什么影响?