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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 17:03



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 17:29

是一个很有名的组合 N'SYNC的最新专辑《celebrity 》里面的一首歌曲dirty pop 或者直接叫 pop

sick and tired of hear in not all these people talk about
whats the deal with this pop life and when is it gonna fade out
the thing you got to realize is what were doing is not a trend
we got the gift of melody we gonna bring it till the end
cmon now

it doesnt matter bout the car i drive or what i wear around my neck
all that matters is that you recognize that its just about respect
it doesnt matter about the clothes i wear and where i go and why
all that matters is that you get hyped
and well do it to you every time
cmon now

do you ever wonder why
this music gets you high
it takes you on a ride
if and when your body starts to rock (your body starts to rock)
it makes you cant stop (you cant stop)
and the musics all you got (cmon now)
this must be (pop)

dirty pop you cant stop
i know you like this dirty pop(this must be)
now why you wanna try to classify the type of thing we do
cause were just tryna do what we like can we say the same for you?
tired of feeling all around me animosity
just worry about yours cause im get mine
now people cant you see

it doesnt matter bout the car i drive or the ice around my neck
all that matters is that you recognize that its just about respect
it doesnt matter about the clothes i wear and where i go and why
all that matters is that you get hyped
and well do it to you every time

do you ever wonder why(why)
this music gets you high(gets you high)
it takes you on a ride
if and when your body starts to rock (your body starts to rock)
it makes you cant stop (you cant stop)
and the musics all you got (baby cmon)
this must be ooh..(theres no time listoning)

dirty, dirty, dirty (pop)
dirty pop
do you ever wonder wonder wonder wonder

do you ever wonder why (ever wonder why)
this music gets you high (gets you high)
it takes you on a ride
if and when your body starts to rock (when your body starts to rock)
it makes you cant stop (baby dont stop)
and the musics all you got (cmon now)
this must be

do you ever wonder why (think ever wonder why)
this music gets you high (how to gets you high baby)
it takes you on a ride
if and when your body starts to rock (your body starts to rock)
it makes you cant stop
and the musics all you got
this must be

do you ever wonder why (ever wonder why)
this music gets you high (gets you high)
it takes you on a ride
if and when your body starts to rock (when your body starts to rock)
it makes you cant stop (baby dont stop)
and the musics all you got (baby cmon)
this must be


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