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...急急急~~哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下啊~~ 谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 15:32



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 16:02

Low carbon under the sponsorship of the environmental protection
With the development of the world, the progress of science and technology, human beings on the earth's pollution is more and more serious. Nature's trees reduce gradually, the urban greening also gradually to be contaminated, to the human body has very big effect. Therefore, we advocate low carbon life, a variety of a few greenery, protect the nature, to protect our earth.
Low carbon life, for our average person is an attitude, not a ability, we should actively promote and practice low carbon life, attention energy-saving, oil-saving cycle, water saving, starting from the intravenous drip. Low carbon doesn't mean will try thrifty, sedulous go to give up some lives to enjoy, low carbon not to influence the health and lower the quality of life for the price, so long as you can from the little drops of life saving, do not waste, also can live in comfort "low carbon life". Carbon reduction is everyone's responsibility. For us, lifestyle painted everyone's "carbon footprint", which produce, use and consumption something altogether how much carbon dioxide emissions, low carbon life is simple way of life, from food, clothing, shelter, use and lines can reflect low carbon life. "Low carbon" is no mystery, it is on our side. As long as usual habits slightly little attention, and everyone can achieve "low carbon".

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 15:55

With the development of the world, the progress of science and technology, human beings on the earth's pollution is more and more serious. Nature's trees reduce gradually, the urban greening also gradually to be contaminated, to the human body has very big effect. Therefore, we advocate low carbon life, a variety of a few greenery, protect the nature, to protect our earth.
Low carbon life, for our average person is an attitude, not a ability, we should actively promote and practice low carbon life, attention energy-saving, oil-saving cycle, water saving, starting from the intravenous drip. Low carbon doesn't mean will try thrifty, sedulous go to give up some lives to enjoy, low carbon not to influence the health and lower the quality of life for the price, so long as you can from the little drops of life saving, do not waste, also can live in comfort "low carbon life". Carbon reduction is everyone's responsibility. For us, lifestyle painted everyone's "carbon footprint", which produce, use and consumption something altogether how much carbon dioxide emissions, low carbon life is simple way of life, from food, clothing, shelter, use and lines can reflect low carbon life. "Low carbon" is no mystery, it is on our side. As long as usual habits slightly little attention, and everyone can achieve "low carbon".
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