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It's Not Me 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 07:50



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 14:25

歌曲名:It's Not Me
专辑:Supergrass Is 10 - The Best Of 94-04

Shiloh - It's Not Me
《Picture Imperfect》
Promo Only for KEY Album!
You say that I should watch my mouth
That everything is not a joke
I'm not the kind to hold my tongue
I'd rather speak my mind than...
Choke on the words that you want me to say
Smile as the honesty fades away
Say the right words
Be the good girl
Play along
Is that what you want?
Honestly It's not me
It's not me
It's not me
Can't you see
What you want me to be
What you want me to be
It's just not me
You say that I should let it go
And break the key to lock the door
Just close my eyes to what I know
But i can't take it any
More than the words that you want me to say
Why let my honesty fade away
Say the right words
Be the good girl
Play along
Is that what you want?
Honestly It's not me
It's not me
It's not me
Can't you see
What you want me to be
What you want me to be
It's just not me
So choke on the words that you want me to say
Smile as your honesty fades away
Say the right words
Be the good girl
Play along
If that's what you want
Honestly It's not me
It's not me
Iit's not me
Can't you see what you want me to be
What you want me to be
It's just not me

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