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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 05:49



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 15:19

Along with the rapid development in the electronic commerce in our country, agricultural electronic commerce also have warmed up. As An Hui is a big agriculture province in China, its agricultural development of e-commerce has very big effect in agricultural economy development. An Hui province is a big agricultural province, with a large number of rural population, and the overall quality is low. The key restriction of the development in An Hui agriculture lies in the contradiction of "small farmers and big market". With the rural informatization construction, great changes took place in the production and management manners, and in rural farmers' life. E-commerce's rapid rise and development is a bridge between the thousands of small-scale production and the ever-changing market.This paper analysed the development status in An Hui agricultural electronic commerce, indicated the existing problems and put forward the countermeasures to promote An Hui agricultural electronic commerce development.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 15:20

Along with the electronic commerce in our country's rapid development, agricultural electronic commerce also have warmed up. As China's anhui province, its agriculture agricultural development of e-commerce in agricultural economy development has very big effect. Anhui province is a big agricultural province, the rural population, the overall quality is low. Restrict the development of anhui agricultural key lies in the "small farmers with big market", with the contradiction of rural informatization construction, production and management of anhui rural farmers live and great changes took place in the countryside, e-commerce and rapid rise to thousands of small-scale production is connected with the ever-changing market based on the analysis of the bridge between anhui electronic commerce development present situation, the basis of anhui agricultural electronic commerce, the existing problems and puts forward to promote anhui agricultural electronic commerce development of countermeasures.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 15:19

With the rapid development of electronic commerce in agricultural e-commerce have also become active again. As China's agricultural Anhui province, the agricultural development of electronic commerce on the province's agricultural economy has a great impact. Anhui is a major agricultural province, rural populations, the overall quality is low. Agricultural Fazhan the key constraint is that "small farmers and big market," the contradictions, with the rural Xinxi the launch of construction, Anhui Zhong 生产 mode of operation and farmers Shenghuofasheng a great change, e-commerce in rural areas quickly Xiang Xing Qi Bing depth direction, is connected thousands of families of small producers and the ever-changing bridge between the big market analyzing e-commerce development in Anhui on the basis of the status quo, that the problems of Anhui Agricultural e-commerce and e-commerce on the promotion of Agricultural development of countermeasures

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 15:24

Along with the electronic commerce in our country's rapid development, agricultural electronic commerce also have warmed up.As China's anhui province, its agriculture agricultural development of e-commerce in agricultural economy development has very big effect.Anhui province is a big agricultural province, the rural population, the overall quality is low.Restrict the development of anhui agricultural key lies in the "small farmers with big market", with the contradiction of rural informatization construction, production and management of anhui rural farmers live and great changes took place in the countryside, e-commerce and rapid rise to thousands of small-scale production is connected with the ever-changing market based on the analysis of the bridge between anhui electronic commerce development present situation, the basis of anhui agricultural electronic commerce, the existing problems and puts forward to promote anhui agricultural electronic commerce development of countermeasures.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 15:20

With the rapid development of electronic commerce in agricultural e-commerce have also become active again. As China's agricultural Anhui province, the agricultural development of e-business development in our province's agricultural economy has a great impact. Anhui is a major agricultural province, rural populations, the overall quality is low. Agricultural development constraints the key "big market, small farmers and" contradictions, with the information construction in rural areas to carry out, production and management in rural areas of Anhui and peasant life, great changes have occurred, the rise of e-commerce in rural areas and rapidly depth direction, is connected thousands of families of small producers and the ever-changing bridge between the large market of analyzing the status of e-commerce development in Anhui on the basis that the problems of Anhui Agricultural e-commerce and e-commerce on the promotion of Agricultural development of countermeasures.
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