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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 05:39



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 04:52

Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
So if your ready go party till' the daylight
Comin' alive with me
Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
When the night time comes we go out
Maddness under the moon out is south
Doing what we want the magic is right
Let's Party under the morning light
(Guy Speaks)
Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
[So if your ready go party till' the daylight
Comin' alive with me
Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
Come with me let's get away
Out and out and sleep all day
I don't care what people say
Keep going and going and going are way
After dark we get it popin'
Once in are life ther's no stoppin'
Get the feeling, catch the flow
Of the night time grooves so here it goes
Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
So if your ready go party till' the daylight
Comin' alive with me
Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
(Guy Speaks)
When the night time comes we go out
Maddness under the moon out is south
Doing what we want the magic is right
Let's Party under the morning light
Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
So if your ready go party till' the daylight
Comin' alive with me
Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
So if your ready go party till' the daylight
Comin' alive with me
Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 04:57

[00:00.34]Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
[00:02.75]Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
[00:05.21]So if your ready go party till' the daylight
[00:07.49]Comin' alive with me
[00:10.15]Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
[00:12.28]Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
[00:14.67]Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
[00:17.11]Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
[00:20.28]When the night time comes we go out
[00:22.09]Maddness under the moon out is south
[00:24.56]Doing what we want the magic is right
[00:26.63]Let's Party under the morning light
[00:29.28](Guy Speaks)
[00:48.59]Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
[00:51.03]Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
[00:53.37]So if your ready go party till' the daylight
[00:55.70]Comin' alive with me
[00:58.28]Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
[01:00.56]Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
[01:03.18]Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
[01:05.32]Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
[01:08.27]Come with me let's get away
[01:10.05]Out and out and sleep all day
[01:12.79]I don't care what people say
[01:14.76]Keep going and going and going are way
[01:16.59]After dark we get it popin'
[01:19.64]Once in are life ther's no stoppin'
[01:22.28]Get the feeling, catch the flow
[01:24.62]Of the night time grooves so here it goes
[01:27.16]Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
[01:29.95]Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
[01:31.97]So if your ready go party till' the daylight
[01:34.24]Comin' alive with me
[01:36.76]Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
[01:39.11]Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
[01:41.55]Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
[01:43.94]Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
[01:46.54](Guy Speaks)
[02:06.14]When the night time comes we go out
[02:08.14]Maddness under the moon out is south
[02:10.64]Doing what we want the magic is right
[02:13.26]Let's Party under the morning light
[02:15.98]Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
[02:17.79]Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
[02:20.18]So if your ready go party till' the daylight
[02:22.52]Comin' alive with me
[02:25.00]Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
[02:27.36]Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
[02:29.77]Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
[02:32.14]Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
[02:34.68]Tonight is the right night everybody's alright
[02:37.06]Yo feel it in my bones we're gonna make it outta sight
[02:39.50]So if your ready go party till' the daylight
[02:41.87]Comin' alive with me
[02:44.52]Baby don't be shy it's time to come alive
[02:48.18]Yeah have a good time so get your hands high
[02:49.27]Groove cause it feels right under the moonlight
[02:51.74]Nod your head with me (Nod your head with me)
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