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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 01:00



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:08


Through the machine tool process and fixture design , summarize what we have learned professional knowledge, (such as "Tolerances and fits ", "Mechanical Drawing", "Machine Design", "manufacturing process and fixtures," etc.). Let us have learned professional courses to consolidate, review and practical, the combination of theory and practice; give us more deeply the role of subjects with familiarity and understanding of the practical work for the future and lay a solid foundation!
In these times, we design the main fork of the milling machine is designed fixture CA6140. In the final design, I finished the design work do one best. During this period access to the large number of books, and get the teacher's instructions, especially Liu Lixin teachers with help in this thanks!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:09

Xu On

Through the machine tool and fixture design process, summarize what they have learned knowledge, such as one (such as "tolerance and cooperation", "Mechanical Drawing", "Machine Design", "Machinery manufacturing processes and fixtures," etc.). Let us have learned the specialized courses to consolidate, review and practical, the combination of theory and practice; give us a more profound role for various subjects are familiar with and understanding of the practical work for the future and lay a solid foundation!

In these times, we design the main fork of the milling machine is designed fixture CA6140. Graduation in the design process, I try to complete the design. During this time access to a large number of books, and received the teacher's instructions, especially Liu Lixin teachers with help in this thanks!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:15

Through the machine tool and fixture design process, summarize what they have learned knowledge, such as one (such as "tolerance and cooperation", "Mechanical Drawing", "Machine Design", "manufacturing engineering and fixtures," etc.). Let us have learned specialized courses to consolidate, review and practical, the combination of theory and practice; give us more deeply the role of subjects with familiarity and understanding of the practical work for the future and lay a solid foundation!
In these times, we design the main fork of the milling machine is designed fixture CA6140. In the graduation process, I finished the design work. During this period access to the large number of books, and get the teacher's instructions, especially Liu Lixin teachers with help in this thanks!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:11

Through the machine technology and fixture design, a summary of knowledge such as one (such as the tolerance and cooperation "," mechanical drafting, mechanical design, machinery manufacturing process and fixture ", etc). Let us to specialized course strengthened, review and practical, in theory and practice of combination; on the us on various branches of deeper familiarity with and understanding of, and the actual work in the future Foundation!
At some time the design we design CA6140 fork of milling machine fixture. In this thesis, I try to finish the design. During this time access to a large number of books, and for teachers,Especially Mrs Liu Li xin to help with!
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