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...不要用翻译器。请各位大神前辈们帮忙翻译一下,要准确性高点的。谢 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 19:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 07:24


热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 07:22

When you set foot in Germany at the moment of land, you will find that he is far better than you think make you surprised. You will find that Lufthansa is the safest in the world. You will find that even in the centre of Munich, no tall buildings towering clouds but bits of no more than 10 layer flat color. You will find that not booking no is waved that stopped a taxi. You will find that the street, no rubbish on the road, and even large leaves. You will find, there is no machine or the conductor ticket on the subway. You will find, trams and car with a red light, etc. You will find that, when you cross the road, even if the red light, the driver still will smile to you first. Everywhere you can discover, the road is the mercedes-benz BMW, even the taxi is no exception. You will find that the germans face always is permeated with heartfelt smile, love the nation because they love this country.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 07:21

When you set foot in Germany at the moment of land, you will find that he is far better than you think make you surprised. You will find that Lufthansa is the safest in the world. You will find that even in the centre of Munich, no tall buildings towering clouds but bits of no more than 10 layer flat color. You will find that not booking no is waved that stopped a taxi. You will find that the street, no rubbish on the road, and even large leaves. You will find, there is no machine or the conductor ticket on the subway. You will find, trams and car with a red light, etc. You will find that, when you cross the road, even if the red light, the driver still will smile to you first. Everywhere you can discover, the road is the mercedes-benz BMW, even the taxi is no exception. You will find that the germans face always is permeated with heartfelt smile, love the nation because they love this country.
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