发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 04:12
热心网友 时间:2024-10-09 00:04
Even though we broke up.即使我们早已分道扬镳My heart still worries about you every day.但我依然对你念念不忘The old sky that we imagined.正所谓,自古多情空余恨, 此情绵绵无绝期I want you to imagine with someone else.叹只叹,那位新娘不是我I give you good blessing.但我依然愿意把最美好的祝福送给你Find a love that’s certain and stable.祝福你与另外一位美丽天使(美娇娘)喜结连理As for me and passing another night.而我,只能在漫漫长夜里为你独守着空房Together with my pillow case that’s stained with tears.任由着泪水沾满了香枕