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翻译以下句子 很急 谢谢谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 05:55



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 06:55

1.As this article tells us ,success depends on one's determination and efforts.
2.What the teacher said today is very important to our future work.
3.No matter how difficult the tasks are, we have confidence to fulfill it.
4.Don't interrupt him,he is writing the investigation report.
5.in general,boys like watching football games much more than girls
6.It is considered a waste of time to discuss such a boring problem.
7.The doctor who is performing the operation is the director of this hospital.
8.Don't worry,i will call you once i am getting the information.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 06:56

1. Success depend upon determination and endeavor, as this article has told us.

2. What the teacher tell us today is very important for our career in future.

3. Nomatter how difficut this task is, I am confident to handle it.

4. Do not disturb him, he is now busy in writing researching report.

5. Gregerally speaking,more boys than girls like watching football match.

6. It has been considered as wasting of time to discuss such tidious issue.

7. The doctor who is doing opration is the prior of this hospital.

8. Don't worry, I will call you as soon as I receive any messeage.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 06:56

1. As this article tells us that success depends on the determination and efforts of

2. Teachers about the content of today the future of our work is very important

3. No matter how difficult these tasks, we are confident to complete its

4. Do not disturb him, he is busy writing the investigation report

5. Generally speaking, boys more than girls like to watch soccer

6. To discuss the issue of this boring is considered a waste of time

7. Is an operation that the doctor is the president of the hospital

8. Please do not worry, I got the news will be calling you
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