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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 02:01



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 16:26

Bid Form
In compliance with your invitation for bid No.** for ** (goods to be supplied )for the ** project,the undersigned representative(name and title), ly authorized to actin the name and for the account of the Bidder(name and address of the Bidder), hereby submit the following in one original and five copies.
1.schele of prices
2.schele of requirement
3specifications compliance form
4.qualification documents
5.bid security in the amount of **issued by **(name of the issuing bank)
6.all documents required in response to clause11 and 12 of instructions to Bidders
By this letter, the undersigned representative hereby declares and agrees:
a. that the total bid price for the supply and delivery of the Goods specified in the Bidding Document is RMB**(in words)or US $**
b. that the Bidder will take the responsibility and obligation for accomplishment of the Contract in accordance with all provisions of the Bidding Documents.
c. that the bidder has examined in detail all the Bidding Documents including amendments and all informatin furnished for reference as well as relevant attachments and that he is perfectly aware that he must renounce all right of invoking ambiguities or misunderstandings in his respect.
f. that all official correspondence pertinent to this bid shall be addressed to:
Cable address:
Name of representative of the Bidder:
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