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热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 15:10

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Human Resource Allocation in a CPA Firm: A Fuzzy Set Approach
Wikil Kwak, Yong Shi and Kooyul Jung
The review of existing human resource allocation models for a CPA...

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 20, Number 3 / 2003年5月
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Corporate Social Reporting in the European Context and Human Resource Disclosures: An Analysis of Finnish Companies
Taru Vuontisjärvi
...interface between HR reporting (especially as based on measurements such as Human Resource Accounting and Intellectual Capital schools) and corporate social reporting practices. The results...

Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 69, Number 4 / 2006年12月
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Human resource accounting
Carme Barcons-Vilardell, Soledad Moya-Gutierrez, Antonio Somoza-López, Josep Vallverdú-Calafell and Carlos Griful-Miquela
Abstract Human resources is an old field of research in economics, as reflected by accounting treatments. This paper reviews this...

International Advances in Economic Research, Volume 5, Number 3 / 1999年8月
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A Machine Learning Application for Human Resource Data Mining Problem
Zhen Xu and Binheng Song
...for problems with changing conditions. Human resource allocation is a kind of...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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Human Capital Management
Peter Friederichs and Monika Labes
Dieses einführende Kapitel geht zunächst auf den Begriff Human Capital und dessen unterschiedliche Begriffsschattierungen ein. In einem kurzen Problemaufriss wird die...

Human Capital Management, Teil I
PDF (216.3 KB)

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Fuzzy Logic Experience Model in Human Resource Management
Zhen Xu, Binheng Song and Liang Chen
...of most important functions in human resource management. It presents a new...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
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Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Robert A. Mickler
Environmental Management, Volume 33, Number 4 / 2004年8月
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Conflicts between humans over wildlife management: on the diversity of stakeholder attitudes and implications for conflict management
Keith Marshall, Rehema White and Anke Fischer
Abstract Conflicts involving wildlife are, in essence, often conflicts between human parties with differing wildlife management objectives. However, the study and management of...

Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 16, Number 11 / 2007年10月
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For the Knowledge Society: How to Involve Human Resources in Gaming
Arata Ichikawa and Mieko Nakamura
Gaming, Simulations, and Society, Part IV
PDF (179.4 KB)

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Characterization of the human lineage-specific pericentric inversion that distinguishes human chromosome 1 from the homologous chromosomes of the great apes
Justyna M. Szamalek, Violaine Goidts, David N. Cooper, Horst Hameister and Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki
Abstract The human and chimpanzee genomes are distinguishable in terms of ten gross karyotypic differences...

Human Genetics, Volume 120, Number 1 / 2006年8月
器世间的意思是什么 学吉他大概学费是多少 电吉他培训一般学费多少 天津吉他培训成人班费用多少 吉他培训班一般的学费多少钱 电脑怎么保存下载的视频文件怎么把视频保存到电脑上 双子座男生如果受到伤害死心了'是不是无论怎么做都无法挽回了。 和平精英微信怎么切换账号 更新之后换号方法 有关说说搞笑幽默句子的短句(寻找搞笑幽默的快乐) 说说你多大了,看看能不能做我干闺女怎么回复? 汕头市衡山路素满园地址 锦江之星连锁酒店(汕头衡山路店)酒店简介 手机Wi- Fi旁边的感叹号是表示什么啊? 请问考研校内调剂被录取,用不用上研招网上确认待录取 考研一志愿校内调剂通知录取了,调剂学校的复试通知我实在等待录取的过程... 膑骨软化怎么治疗最好 ...又在研招网上调剂且确认待录取,接下来该怎么做? 古装剧靠卖脸赚钱 袁珊珊张檬妆容斗艳 请帮我翻译一下这段文字,中翻英的,谢谢! 希尔顿饭店的创始人、世界旅馆... 谁可以将帕里斯希尔顿的巴黎一夜翻译出来呢? ...食品菌落总数的标准分别是多少 ?微生物检验的国标在... 食品中微生物限量标准目录 GB 4789.2-2022菌落总数测定标准变化 《食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 乳酸菌检验》2023版与2016版新旧... 吴什么楚什么 食品安全国家标准食品卫生微生物学检验总则 网络红人韩雨欣是谁的老婆?是寇小宇的还是尹轩浩的? 2011网络红人 周越洪 最红的时候 排行在网络红人中是第几? 2011的网络红人新秀有哪些呢? 公历1999.4.19出生的人是什么星座 。外文文献在哪找的呀?我看你帮别人找的那个得到高度赞扬呀。帮帮我被... 求“会计电算化对传统会计影响”的相关外文文献一篇,中文翻译不少于1500... 资产减值外文文献 我在戴梦戴维眼镜为什么一到晚上看东西会重影 本人高三,最近配了梦戴维的角膜塑形镜,理应晚上要佩戴8小时,可我经 ... 梦戴维角膜塑形镜能矫正儿童近视吗 请问显卡的显存类型是向下兼容的吗? 与p965兼容的 cpu的显卡和显示器的型号 主版显卡接口是PCIEXP1的插槽能接PCIExpress2.0的显卡吗? 欠债还钱天经地义,老赖会影响家人及子女的生活吗 蓝光VR是VR虚拟现实科技的产品么? 什么是vr是关于那方面 用VR的朋友推荐蓝光VR,这个VR资源app好不好? ...可以免费给饭卡充钱,简单方便 首先介绍一下原理 全国各地 ...怎么充值,去哪 ,详细步骤麻烦帮忙讲解一下谢谢 PCI Express 2.0和PCI-E 16X的不同? 这是GTX1050的显卡吗。有哪位大神知道吗 一种接口是PCI-E 16X,另外一种是PCI Express2.0,请问区别在哪里?_百度... 脖子和腹股沟淋巴结有花生米那么大,不痛不痒。 PCI Express 2.0 和PCI-E 16X哪个好?