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谁可以帮我翻译一篇英语稿 直接翻译就行 急用!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 09:27



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 11:40

No man is born wise or learned
在人的一生中,人总是在不停地学习,没有人是一出生就拥有知识的,一个人总是在不停地进步,知识是一步一步积累的。 In life, the people are constantly learning, no one is born with knowledge of, a person always in constant progress, step by step knowledge is accumulated.
没有生而知之者,活到老学到老,这样我们才能不断地丰富自己的知识,随着阅历的增加,人的知识也就越丰富,知识是慢慢吸收的,不能急于求成。 No man who live and learn, so that we can continue to enrich their knowledge, as experience increases, the more rich people's knowledge, knowledge is slowly absorbed and can not be anxious. 知识是后天的努力换来的,它需要付出艰辛的努力,却不是想要就可以拥有的。 Knowledge is acquired in exchange for the efforts, and it needs arduous efforts, is not like you can have. 每个人都是公平的,没有生而知之者,要我们从现在开始努力吧! Fair to everyone, and not born with knowledge, should

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 11:35

In life, people are constantly learning, no one is born with knowledge, a man is constantly improvement, knowledge is a step by step.
No man is born wise or learned, so that we can learn constantly enrich their knowledge, along with the increase of experience, knowledge is more abundant, knowledge is slowly absorbed, not jumping the gun. Knowledge is acquired, it needs to pay for the hard efforts, but not want can have. Everyone is fair, and no man is born wise or learned. Shall we start from now on!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 11:35

No man is born wise or learned
In life, the people are constantly learning, no one is born with knowledge of, a person always in constant progress, step by step knowledge is accumulated.
No man who live and learn, so that we can continue to enrich their knowledge, as experience increases, the more rich people's knowledge, knowledge is slowly absorbed and can not be anxious. Knowledge is acquired in exchange for the efforts, and it needs arduous efforts, is not like you can have. Fair to everyone, and not born with knowledge, should we start now, now!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 11:41

In life, the people are constantly learning, no one is born with knowledge of, a person always in constant progress, step by step knowledge is accumulated.
No man who live and learn, so that we can continue to enrich their knowledge, as experience increases, the more rich people's knowledge, knowledge is slowly absorbed and can not be anxious. Knowledge is acquired to get in return, it requires arduous efforts, is not like you can have. Fair to everyone, and not born with knowledge, should we start now, now!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 11:40

In life, the people are constantly learning, no one is born with knowledge of, a person always in constant progress, step by step knowledge is accumulated.
No man who live and learn, so that we can continue to earn their knowledge, as experience increases, the more rich people's knowledge, knowledge is slowly absorbed and can not be anxious. Knowledge is acquired in exchange for the efforts, and it needs arduous efforts, is not like you can have. Fair to everyone, and not born with knowledge, so let's make a hard study now ,move out!
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