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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-05 09:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 10:03

In the column frame structure stiffness calculation is the line. Beam line stiffness ratio change framework of internal force will change. In the building and strengthening the process, which affects the first column will occur or big or small change. That will make the local structural strengthening internal force influence the whole structure. Yet for this problem, no reference to the literature discuss. Most of the books involving reinforcement design calculation, no mention this rare books mentioned that this small effect, but can be ignored. This paper structure mechanics solver and PKPM respectively under the condition of static and dynamic changes due to local stiffness of frame the influence caused by the internal force calculation and analysis. According to the results of calculation and analysis, and the related conclusions.
The paper has six sections. The first part of the structure are mainly discussed the necessity of strengthening, reason, method, then it is a topic of current research at home and abroad. Finally the paper briefly stated the research objective, content and method. The second part and the third part is calculated and analyzed, including the preparation of the stiffness and line stiffness of the definition, this assumption and idealistic calculating model. The fourth part and the fifth part is the center of gravity, as static and dynamic conditions of frame beam-column stiffness changes of internal force calculation and analysis of the system. The sixth part is the ending part in front, the calculation and analysis, and then summarizes the conclusion, the paper deals with the topic is prospected.

Keywords: structure reinforcement, Beam line stiffness, Structural internal force, Change rule,


热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 09:59


热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 10:07

the abstract
In the column frame structure stiffness calculation is the line. Beam line stiffness ratio change framework of internal force will change. In the building and strengthening the process, which affects the first column will occur or big or small change. That will make the local structural strengthening internal force influence the whole structure. Yet for this problem, no reference to the literature discuss. Most of the books involving reinforcement design calculation, no mention this rare books mentioned that this small effect, but can be ignored. This paper structure mechanics solver and PKPM respectively under the condition of static and dynamic changes due to local stiffness of frame the influence caused by the internal force calculation and analysis. According to the results of calculation and analysis, and the related conclusions.
The paper has six sections. The first part of the structure are mainly discussed the necessity of strengthening, reason, method, then it is a topic of current research at home and abroad. Finally the paper briefly stated the research objective, content and method. The second part and the third part is calculated and analyzed, including the preparation of the stiffness and line stiffness of the definition, this assumption and idealistic calculating model. The fourth part and the fifth part is the center of gravity, as static and dynamic conditions of frame beam-column stiffness changes of internal force calculation and analysis of the system. The sixth part is the ending part in front, the calculation and analysis, and then summarizes the conclusion, the paper deals with the topic is prospected.

Keywords: structure reinforcement, Beam line stiffness, Structural internal force, Change rule,
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