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请高手帮忙翻译下这段话。。译成英文 ,不慎感激

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-10 13:33



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 20:05

From the grid Digital Elevation model (DEM Digital Elevation Mode1) GIS environment extraction hydrological information has been widely used. This article through a GIS platform, discussed through experiments in manasi for research object extracted from the DEM DWM detailed process: through the formation, the DEM depressions, identify and filling, the ground of rising, flow direction, water accumulated matrix to determine the determination, the formation, river grid river-net DWM the generation and son basin water segmentation, realizing the process such as the extraction of river basin, get the characteristics of digital watershed vector diagram.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 20:06

From the space network figures elevation model dem ( digital elevation mode1 ) gis environment has been extracted the information has got the extensive application of gis. this article by a platform, to experiment with manas to study from dem the details of the process by the building, dem : senke identification and filling, by elevating, the current direction of the fix and the accumulation of the matrix sure, rivers and drainage of the generation of the valley and the division of the, Etc. the valley characteristics of the valley, the number of vectors.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 20:06

From the grid Digital Elevation model (DEM Digital Elevation Mode1) GIS environment extraction hydrological information has been widely used. This article through a GIS platform, discussed through experiments in manasi for research object extracted from the DEM DWM detailed process: through the formation, the DEM depressions, identify and filling, the ground of rising, flow direction, water accumulated matrix to determine the determination, the formation, river grid river-net DWM the generation and son basin water segmentation, realizing the process such as the extraction of river basin, get the characteristics of digital watershed vector diagram.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 20:07

From grid digital elevation model DEM (Digital Elevation Mode1) GIS environment extract hydrological information has been widely used. In this paper, a GIS platform, the experiment discussed in Manas as the research object extracted from the DEM river network of the detailed process: through the generation of DEM, the identification and fill depressions, plains rising and the determination of flow direction, flow accumulation Matrix in the river river grid generation, the generation of river network and sub-basins of the segmentation process to achieve the basin river network feature extraction, vector digital watershed has been
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