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...care what people say "谁知道这是哪首歌里面的?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-10 16:36



热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 02:52

Can't We Try
Vocal:Dan Hill&Vonda Sheppard

I see your face cloud over like a little girl's,
and your eyes have lost thier shine.
You whisper something softly I'm not meant to hear,
baby, tell me what's on your mind.
I don't care what people say
about the two of us from different worlds.
I love you so much that it hurts inside,
Are you listening?
Please listen to me, girl.


Can't we try just a little bit harder?
Can't we give just a little bit more?
Can't we try to understand
that it's love we're fighting for?
Can't we try just a little more passion?
Can't we try just a little less pride?
I love you so much baby,
that it tears me up inside.

I hear you on the telephone with god-knows-who,
spilling out your heart for free.
Everyone needs someone they can talk to,
girl, that someone should be me.
So many times, I tried to tell you,
you just turned away.
(Him) How did I know?
My life is changing so fast now,
it leaves me lonely and afraid.
(Him) Don't be afraid, no.

(Both) : CHORUS

(Him) Don't let our love fade away.
(Her) Don't let our love fade away.
(Him) No matter what people say.
(Her) No matter, no matter what they say.
(Him) I need you more and more each day.
(Her) Don't let our love fade away.
(Him)No matter what people say.
(Her) No matter, no matter what they say.

(Both) : CHORUS

(Him) Can't we try, baby, can't we give a little bit, little bit

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 02:49

Happily_One Direction
原句:I don’t care what people say when we’re together。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 02:56

Can't We Try
Vocal:Dan Hill&Vonda Sheppard

I see your face cloud over like a little girl's,
and your eyes have lost thier shine.
You whisper something softly I'm not meant to hear,
baby, tell me what's on your mind.
I don't care what people say
about the two of us from different worlds.
I love you so much that it hurts inside,
Are you listening?
Please listen to me, girl.


Can't we try just a little bit harder?
Can't we give just a little bit more?
Can't we try to understand
that it's love we're fighting for?
Can't we try just a little more passion?
Can't we try just a little less pride?
I love you so much baby,
that it tears me up inside.

I hear you on the telephone with god-knows-who,
spilling out your heart for free.
Everyone needs someone they can talk to,
girl, that someone should be me.
So many times, I tried to tell you,
you just turned away.
(Him) How did I know?
My life is changing so fast now,
it leaves me lonely and afraid.
(Him) Don't be afraid, no.

(Both) : CHORUS

(Him) Don't let our love fade away.
(Her) Don't let our love fade away.
(Him) No matter what people say.
(Her) No matter, no matter what they say.
(Him) I need you more and more each day.
(Her) Don't let our love fade away.
(Him)No matter what people say.
(Her) No matter, no matter what they say.

(Both) : CHORUS

(Him) Can't we try, baby, can't we give a little bit, little bit

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 02:53

Happily_One Direction
原句:I don’t care what people say when we’re together。
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