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谁能帮我把<这一生回忆有你就足够>这首歌翻译成英文 谢谢啊!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-09 08:58



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 11:56

M: I met you and the vast sea of humanity
M: a heart for love hard Keep Hou
Women: obviously it is impossible
Overexert but do not let go
All: love more deeply on the pain more uncomfortable
M: I expect you to gentle
In the end there are into Ukraine
Women: the fate of the missing
M: I am not going to make excuses
All: this situation to the end of the
M: If you went to leave
Do not look at me tears
I will bless you in silence to the permanent
M: missed their fate
Just met the wrong
I let go of you gently
Women: do not care about long and in a long time
M: Please have the owner of this treasure
All: Thank you for your life
牵过hands with me
Memories of this life are enough for you
Reading White: In the vast crowd
Encountered is the fate
Even if missed,
One another inside a harvest!
M: I met you and the vast sea of humanity
Women: a heart for love hard Keep Hou
M: obviously it is impossible
Overexert but do not let go
All: love more deeply on the pain more uncomfortable
M: If you went to leave
Do not look at me tears
I will bless you in silence to the permanent
M: missed their fate
Just met the wrong
I let go of you gently
Female; I met you and the vast sea of humanity
M: a heart for love hard Keep Hou
Female; obviously it is impossible
Overexert but do not let go
All: love more deeply on the pain more uncomfortable
M; if you went to leave
Do not look at me tears
I will bless you in silence to the permanent
M: missed their fate
Just met the wrong
All: I am with you free hand to gently
M: do not care about long and in a long time
F: Please have the owner of this treasure
All: Thank you for your life
牵过hands with me
Memories of this life are enough for you
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