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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-10 09:18



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 16:40

 Greetings & self-introduction
Hello, nice to meet you today, my name is (name), and i will be your interviewer today, feel free to speak your mind, don't have to be timid around me.
 Ask the interviewee to do a self-introduction
Now, tell me about yourself, give a good background story about yourself.
 Ask the interviewee why he/she wants to take that position
So, What position are you looking forward to? And do you think you have the necessities to take this position?
 Ask other relevant questions
So, did you enjoy working with Lenovo and Asus, what did you do there? As well as any questions you like for me to answer.
 Answer questions from the interviewee
Well, the pay here, is obviously fair, we give annual bonuses and raises which are determined by your work efficiency. And yes, we do offer Vacation leaves for 1 month each year.
 Thank the interviewee and tell him/her when he/she will receive the result
Thank you coming to the interview, I enjoyed meeting you today, i believe we'll be happy to have you, you will receive the results from the board by next tuesday.

 Greetings & self-introduction
Thank you sir, my name is (name), it's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for your hospitality and your kindness.
 State the position you want to apply
I would very much like to apply for the position of an accountant, i work good with numbers and i also have a business degree from Harvard, so I believe i am very qualified for the task at hand.
 Introduce your education background, personality and your experience which proves that you are qualified to the job
As i have mentioned before, i have a harvard business degree, I've also worked with other major companies, such as Lenovo and Asus, they provided me with the support i needed for the position which i am appying for today.
 Answer the questions from the interviewer
Yes, i in fact loved working with them, I was an accountant intern there, and i decided that it was time for me to move to a bigger stage and give myself new challenges, so i can better improve my skills intellectually.
 Ask at least 2 questions to the interviewer
So, how is the pay here? also, if you don't mind me asking, do we having vacation times? i have a family of 3, and i would love to bring my kids to see the wonderful sights of this world. That is if you guys offer the time for me to do so.
 Thank the interviewer
Thank you very much, nice meeting you too, i hope to see you again.
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