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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 06:50



热心网友 时间:2024-01-29 01:42

Computer laboratory experiment is a teaching platform. The increasing use of computer teaching, public laboratories all the problems more and more. For example: students misuse and play games; virus were invaded, software upgrades, equipment and hardware of aging; laboratory imperfect rules and regulations as well as some hidden problems. Hence the urgent need of personnel and more effective ways to achieve the laboratory's management and maintenance. Laboratory equipment for the effective management and rational use of the computer is the basis of practice teaching, laboratory and technical maintenance is to achieve a strong practical teaching computer security.

下个词霸就 解决问题了,还要拿到这里了?

热心网友 时间:2024-01-29 01:43

Computer laboratory experiment is a teaching platform. The increasing use of computer teaching, public laboratories all the problems more and more. For example: students misuse and play games; virus were invaded, software upgrades, equipment and hardware of aging; laboratory imperfect rules and regulations as well as some hidden problems. Hence the urgent need of personnel and more effective ways to achieve the laboratory's management and maintenance. Laboratory equipment for the effective management and rational use of the computer is the basis of practice teaching, laboratory and technical maintenance is to achieve a strong practical teaching computer security.
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